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Medical Missions: 641 People Met their Messiah in Zimbabwe

May 08, 2015

Gutu-2015-Outreach-Banner, medical missions 7,659. That’s the number of patients who received treatment in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe last week during the Jewish Voice medical outreach there! Some walked for hours just to get to us and then stood in line for hours more. But they were desperate for treatment. Free medical and dental care is such an enormous gift to these dear, impoverished people. They were willing to do whatever it takes to come to the clinic for medical care, some for the first time ever! 641. Because of last week’s medical outreach in Mberengwa, you now have six hundred and forty one new brothers and sisters in the family of Messiah Yeshua! Prayer room volunteers prayed with these men, women, and children who came to meet their Messiah for the first time! The team ministered to thousands more as 3,241 visited the prayer room and received encouragement, prayer, and seeds of the Good News planted. 693. That's the number of precious souls who filled out cards asking that the local congregations teach them more about Yeshua.

This is what Jewish Voice medical outreaches are all about! And our participants are just as blessed! Here’s what Wendy, who has been on several outreaches, had to say after one of her trips with JVMI:

During outreaches I’m always aware that I am living out the Scriptures. One afternoon, as I was praying in Triage, I had the privilege of serving water to waiting patients. People often forget the honor in serving! It seems so simple, but with each smile, touch, hug, and cup of cool water I was thinking, “…I was thirsty and you gave Me drink… Truly, I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.” WOW – I am so blessed.

- Wendy Arnold

We're going to Zimbabwe again this year where more lives will be transformed  – both patients and volunteers. There’s still time for you to join us in making a powerful difference in the lives of the Lemba Jewish People living in Gutu. Whether you’re a medical professional or not, there is an exciting ministry adventure waiting for you in Zimbabwe. Please answer the call! Come discover your blessing!


We Need Medical Professionals & Non-Medical Volunteers For Our Medical Missions ! 

Answer the call and join us in bringing the healing love and eternal hope of Yeshua to Zimbabwe!


Will You Help Us Answer the Call?

Click here for additional 2015 JVMI outreach opportunities.

gondar 2014 medical Can't Go to Zimbabwe? You can help the Lemba by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church. The more people who answer the call, the more people in Zimbabwe who can receive medical care and hear the Good News of Yeshua!  Click here to find a short video, outreach brochure, and helpful information you can share with others! email_send_sending_emails_mail_letter_forward.png

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We are in need of both medical and non-medical participants. Visit our website and take a look at our 2015 Medical Outreach schedule.

The need is great and beckons us from a continent away. Join us and answer the call!

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