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Mberengwa Medical Mission – So Many Lives Changed!

May 27, 2015

DSC_1088, medical mission This woman was baptized after putting her faith in God during our 2015 medical outreach in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe.

We had an amazing time on our Zimbabwe medical mission! Being able to meet the needs of the Lemba community and their neighbors in Mberengwa was a wonderful privilege. We will be sharing photos and stories with you shortly, but we also wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your prayers!


We are thrilled to report the success of another clinic that provided desperately needed medical and dental care to some of the most impoverished Jewish communities on earth. So many patients were treated, and so many lives were changed!

Medical mission impact

The clinic opened on Sunday afternoon (April 26th), and we served over a thousand patients each day. We treated more patients in this clinic than ever before in Zimbabwe. We were able to see 7,659 patients in five days, thanks to our awesome team! Our prayer room saw 3,241 visitors, and 641 of those prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah! Even more – 693 – filled out cards expressing their desire to have the local congregation follow-up with them so they can learn more about Yeshua.

We brought the clinic to a close mid-day on Friday (May 1st), and our team spent the afternoon taking inventory of remaining supplies and equipment. Then, they headed out on a 3-hour bus ride back to the city where they spent the night before taking a day trip to world-famous Victoria Falls.

As the team settles back into their routines at their respective homes, you can be sure that their hearts and minds continue to be touched by everything they experienced. Each one has images of precious people they served and shared the love of Yeshua with. We thank you for your prayers for the team throughout the clinic. Would you keep our volunteers in your prayers as they transition back to “normal” life?  Please pray that they can ease back into their everyday lives with no issues or problems. Pray for rest, restoration, and general health as they are back at home.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this clinic week. We were able to persevere and walk in faith that God was and is in control! We are grateful for the work that He allowed us to participate in, and we know that we have a wonderful team in Zimbabwe that will follow up with the 693 who want to know more about Yeshua. We are confident that they will be well taken care of as they come to know Yeshua and the love that He has for them!

Will you join us?

We’re going back to Zimbabwe this summer when we conduct another one of our medical missions in Gutu. For more information, visit the medical outreaches page of the Jewish Voice Ministries website .

If medical missions aren’t your style, we’re also taking the Good News of Yeshua to the hurting people in Ukraine this September through our Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance. Find out more here!


Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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