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London Mayoral Candidate Praises Anti-Israel Terrorist Groups

June 18, 2015

One of the most virulently anti-Israel politicians in all of Great Britain has just announced his intention to become the next mayor of London in 2016.

George Galloway — a controversial member of the UK parliament who just lost his bid for reelection — has a long history making inflammatory statements about Israel and the Israeli people.

2016 London Mayoral Candidate, George Galloway

At one point last year Galloway declared his Parliamentary home district “an Israel-free zone,” and attempted to ban Israeli goods, services, academics, and tourists. “We don’t even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford,” Galloway said. “We reject this illegal, barbarous, savage state that calls itself Israel — and you have to do the same.”

Galloway has previously stated Israel should be abolished and replaced with a bi-national state. He has also organized aid convoys to Gaza and praised both Hezbollah and Hamas.

Galloway’s chances of being elected mayor of London are considered small. But the fact that someone with his views and history will be a serious, high-profile candidate in one of the Western world’s most important cities next year is sobering.

It fits into the broader global pattern of the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) against Israel and that tiny nation’s growing isolation in the world. And of course all of this is prophetically significant.

Standing with Israel

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And please continue to pray for us and our work around the world, even as you pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 

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