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Kechene, Ethiopia & Mberengwa, Zimbabwe Recap

October 16, 2017
Dirty River

Huddled together under raggedy umbrellas, thousands of people tried to stay dry as they waited to be seen at our Kechene Medical Outreach in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, last month.

It was the rainy season in Ethiopia. The neighborhood of Kechene sits upon the slopes of the capital city’s tallest mountain, and during this time of year, everyday life is disrupted by water – flowing, pooling and pouring down from thundering skies.

Weeks earlier, JVMI Ethiopian staff spent days rebuilding the outdoor drainage system at the neighborhood clinic where we conducted our Medical Outreach. Without this work, flash flooding would have cut off the site’s main passageway.

The Jewish Voice team of medical professionals provided needy patients with specialty health care while our Prayer Partners helped the local Bet-Abraham Messianic Congregation host an off-site prayer and counseling open house.

Once the Ethiopia Outreach concluded, part of the staff traveled to Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, where they joined staff already there to immediately begin the next Medical Outreach. The Outreach Partners united to share the love of Yeshua (Jesus) by serving thousands more people in desperate need of medical care and the Good News.

JVMI marked two historic – and fantastic – milestones during these back-to-back Outreaches:

  •  In Mberengwa, Jewish Voice treated our 400,000th medical patient since our humanitarian efforts began in 1999
  •  In Kechene, we welcomed our 1 millionth ministry recipient. We’ve served 1 million through various outreaches including Medical Clinics, Israeli eye and dental services, and International Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance

You helped make these exciting ministry milestones possible, and we are so grateful for all you’ve done. Take a look at some of the other things you helped us accomplish in Kechene and Mberengwa:

Addis Ababa/Kechene, Ethiopia

August 31-September 10, 2017

  • 8,973 patients treated, including
  • 1,339 dental patients
  • 2,269 people who received eyeglasses
  • 77 people received eye surgery for cataracts or trachoma
  • 159 people received minor surgery
  • 342 people visited our off-site prayer room
  • 53 people professed that they received Yeshua as their Messiah
  • 64 people received Bibles in their own languages


Mberengwa, Zimbabwe

September 7-18, 2017

  • 8,124 patients treated, including
  • 1,278 dental patients
  • 994 people who received eyeglasses
  • 73 people received minor surgery
  • 2 babies were born
  • 3,227 people visited our prayer room
  • 367 people professed that they received Yeshua as their Messiah
  • 2.172 individuals received personal LifeStraws®
  • 8 families received LifeStraw Family® units
  • 624 children had a wonderful time through our Zehra Kids Program

How can we thank you enough for your prayers and support? Through your partnership, more than 19,000 Jewish people and their neighbors received healing and hope in these two recent Outreaches. That’s amazing! And with your continued help, we can reach thousands more in needy communities like Kechene and Mberengwa.

Thank you so much for standing with us in taking the love and message of Yeshua to a hurting world. You’re making a big difference.

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