Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI) is honored to work with more than 60 ministry partners in Israel today. These “partners on the ground” reach deeply into communities throughout Israel offering practical aid, spiritual guidance and the Good News that Yeshua (Jesus) is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah.
“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care,” says JVMI CEO Rabbi Jonathan Bernis. And it’s true. When someone is enduring a difficult, painful time, it’s hard for them to focus on anything but their troubling circumstance.
That’s why Jewish Voice is committed to meeting people at their point of need to see them through some of the most challenging times of their lives. It is after receiving that much-needed care that these secular Jewish people ask, “Why did you care enough to do this?” And that’s what opens the door for us to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus with these people who are usually hearing it for the first time and why they’re ready to listen.
Our Israel office works to provide real help and spiritual hope to hurting people in Israel today.
JVMI’s carefully selected Israeli ministry partners go through a rigorous vetting process. We ensure that they are properly licensed to operate in Israel; and that they comply with the governing rules and laws and are fiscally responsible. Jewish Voice also ensures they accomplish the goals of their mission and remain dedicated to Messiah.
Get the Israel Prayer Guide
Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.
Here are some of the ways JVMI reaches out to people in need in Israel today:
Humanitarian Aid
Through a network of ministry partners, Jewish Voice helps struggling Israelis with basic needs such as food and clothing. JVMI’s outreach to elderly Holocaust survivors provides much-needed dental procedures and eyeglasses that are far out of the reach of their meager, fixed incomes. In this way, we not only share the love of Yeshua but also enable this dwindling generation of survivors to live more safely and comfortably in their final years. Through our Israel office, JVMI also facilitates compassionate care to individuals and communities needing emergency aid in times of crisis.
Addiction Rehabilitation
Though it is the ancient Holy Land, Israel today is a modern nation with contemporary problems. Jewish Voice ministries in Israel come alongside men, women and teens caught in the web of drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution. Many of those who are struggling also face homelessness. Through counseling, rehabilitation, sharing the Gospel and facilitating discipleship, we’re helping transform the addicted with new life in Messiah and restored lives.
Helping Women at Their Darkest Hours
Jewish Voice’s Israel ministries help women in crises such as domestic violence, those who are incarcerated and pregnant women considering abortion. Jewish Voice helps women in Israel today to turn their lives around through crisis counseling, life-skills training, and discipleship.
Messianic Congregations
Jewish Voice is helping raise up the next generation of Jewish leaders in Israel today. JVMI works with Messianic congregations to mature and equip the body of Messiah, share the Good News of Yeshua, and serve communities with practical programs meeting essential needs. As we grow the Messianic community in Israel, we extend the reach of the Gospel throughout the Land of Israel.
Immigration and Aliyah
God promised to bring His people back to the Land, and He is actively fulfilling this prophecy even now (Ezekiel 11:17, 34:13, 37:21). Throughout the world, Jewish people who have never lived in Israel long to go “home” to the Land of their faith. Several of our Israeli ministries reach out with significant aid to the immigrant community living in Israel today ‒ particularly those who made aliyah (ah-lee-YAH) from Ethiopia and former Soviet countries. Material aid and tutoring along with language and computer classes help new immigrants integrate into Israeli society.
Israeli-Arab Reconciliation
The pursuit of peace between Israelis and Arabs remains a critical, pervasive matter in Israel today. JVMI programs and partners in Israel work to facilitate good Arab-Israeli relationships through reconciliation through Messiah Yeshua, who is Himself our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
Ministry is magnified through education. Training Believers how to share the Gospel with Jewish people and use their gifts to edify the body of Messiah bears exponential fruit. Jewish Voice works with educators in Israel today training up individuals to glorify God with their lives and further His Kingdom.
Your gift to Jewish Voice helps Israelis in these vital ways and more. In all, Jewish Voice ministries in Israel include more than 60 partners. When you give to Jewish Voice, you provide direct help to hurting Israelis. Your gifts support JVMI programs and partners on the ground in Israel today and open the door to sharing the Good News of Yeshua with them.
Get "A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days"
Few topics captivate our minds or fill our hearts with fear like the end times. In this book, Jonathan Bernis comes with the perspective that is both startling and hopeful, unpacking the mysteries of this cryptic time and what it means for you.