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Journey to the Remote Village

June 16, 2016

Never before on a Jewish Voice medical outreach had we been forced to shut down our prayer room. But it happened in Tach Gayint, Ethiopia. Because of it, a team of 24 outreach partners was not deterred and personally visited a remote village of the Bete Israel Jewish people.

Rabbi Matt Rosenberg, Jack and Debra Marsh were among this determined group. The village was an hour’s drive from the clinic followed by a four-mile walk. When the team arrived, 70 people came out to meet them.

One older man from the village told us that he had seen a vision of a light coming down the road to their village, like the sun. Matt realized then that God had set up a “Gospel moment” for them to tell the village about Yeshua (Jesus): the Light of the World. Little did our team know, but these precious people were so hungry to hear The Good News and receive Yeshua as Lord.

They met a woman whose house had been burned down twice because she is Jewish. As the villagers shared their suffering and the persecution directed toward them, Matt encouraged them that they do not suffer alone, but that Jewish people have suffered persecution all over the world for thousands of years. He told them that 2,000 years ago, the Messiah suffered, died, and rose again, and that He had sent them to tell these people about Him.

When we asked the group of villagers gathered around if any of them wanted to receive Yeshua, every hand raised. Seventy people prayed to receive Yeshua that day!

If you have ever given to Jewish Voice Ministries, you were a part of that fantastic event. Sammy, one of the Ethiopians who interpreted for us that day, shared his gratitude to Jewish Voice partners, saying “you are doing a miracle” through your support. Thank you!

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