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Israel's Trial by Fire

December 02, 2016

Suicide bombers, rocket attacks, and bus bombings apparently aren’t enough. Now, many in Israel believe its enemies are trying to burn the nation to the ground.

A wave of 1,773 fires driven by unseasonably hot, dry, and windy weather have swept across Israel in the past week. Some of these blazes are believed to have been deliberately set as acts of terrorism.

At this time, as I email you, the fires have been put out. But the damage is staggering. In all:


  • 32,000 acres nationwide, forest and urban, have been burned.
  • 1,000 homes were damaged or destroyed.
  • 200 people were injured.
  • 1,600 people are left homeless.

Miraculously, no one died in any of the blazes.

Most of the larger fires were centered in and around the highly populated areas of Jerusalem and the northern port city of Haifa. But property and acreage in nearly every region of the country went up in smoke. Haifa was hardest hit. In that area, 527 apartments were destroyed and 75,000 residents evacuated.

While Israel has downgraded its state of emergency and sent most firefighters back to regular duty on Monday, some authorities believe it could take 30 years or more for the country to fully recover.

Israel’s trial by fire

Some of the fires were caused by negligence. But many are believed to have been set intentionally. At least 35 Arabs and Palestinians were arrested on suspicion of arson or for inciting arson. And two Arab Israelis confessed to deliberately setting fires.

The Times of Israel reported that Haifa and Zichron Ya’akov (south of Haifa) are among 9 locations hit by arson fires that may have been acts of terrorism.

Israel’s public security minister, Gilad Erdan (Likud), was quoted in the Times as saying that most of those arrested in connection with the fires are Palestinian residents of the West Bank. A “small minority” of the suspects are Arab Israelis, he added.

The Israeli police announced on Tuesday that a 28-year-old Arab man from the northern city of Umm al-Fahm will be indicted for arson.

As you might imagine, social networks have been active with discussion of the blazes, including celebrations by Palestinians who say the fires may have been prompted by proposed Israeli legislation to ban loudspeakers that broadcast the Muslim call to prayer. Many Jews, and even some Arabs, are condemning the controversial #israelisburning hashtag on Twitter.

In an ironic twist, a number of nations, including Russia, Greece, and Turkey—certainly not known for having any sympathy toward Israel—provided assistance in the form of planes, helicopters, equipment, and firefighters to help battle the fires. Even Israel’s Arab neighbors sent help, including Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority (which sent more than 40 firefighters and fire trucks to help knock out the flames).

Arab towns, mosques, and support centers opened their doors to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. In a statement reported by the National Review online, the Islamic Movement of Israel established a “situation room” in Kafr Qassem, saying: “In all of the Arab communities the hosting is for citizens, Arabs, Christians, and Jews, without differentiation.”

An Israel on fire is an Israel under fire

While this aid is encouraging, these remain incredibly dangerous days for Israel. It seems as if the nation, and its people, are under fire from all sides as the Palestinian conflict heightens and the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment is crashing on its shores.

Natural disasters like wildfires are one thing. But clearly, some of Israel’s enemies have sought to take advantage of this crisis by heaping more trouble on the Jewish people. How should we, as Believers in Yeshua (Jesus), the Prince of Peace, respond?

I believe, first and foremost, we must respond with prayer. So today, I ask you to join me and our team at Jewish Voice Ministries in praying for peace, protection, and recovery for Jewish people all across Israel. Your prayers WILL make a difference.

And secondly, please give generously online now. Your support of Jewish Voice shows that you stand with Israel and the Jewish people. You help us combat anti-Semitism and misinformation about Israel as well as take the Gospel to Jewish people around the world.

Please stand with Jewish Voice in support of Israel. And encourage others to do so as well.

If you feel God prompting you to give now, we’d welcome your online gift to reach Jewish people with the love and eternal hope of Yeshua. Thank you. And God bless you.


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