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Israel Update: The Warning Sirens Are Too Familiar

June 25, 2015

Breaking News on the Middle East. The Sound of Warning Sirens Is All Too Familiar

It’s summer once again. And like last summer, rockets are starting to fly out of Hamas-controlled Gaza toward Israeli civilians simply trying to live their lives in peace.

On Tuesday of this week, members of the Israeli kibbutz of Yad Mordechai, just north of Gaza, had to scramble for shelter as the all-too-familiar warning sirens sounded. This represented the fourth rocket attack alert sounded over the last two weeks.

Over the weekend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the international community's silence over these new attacks. He also warned that a strong reprisal could be forthcoming if they continue.

This silence must be especially galling in the wake of the recent release of the report by the United Nations Human Rights Commission which sharply criticized Israel for the way it responded to the wave of rocket attacks from Gaza last summer.

At his weekly Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said, “It will be interesting to see if this silence continues when we use all our strength in exercising our right to defend ourselves. It should be clear: the hypocrisy that is sweeping the world will not chain our hands from defending the citizens of Israel.”

Referring to the UN report, the Israeli leader condemned what he described as an “international campaign to blacken (Israel's) name.”


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