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Israel - Troubling Perspectives

January 08, 2015

This has been a tough week. The horrible terrorist attacks in Paris have the world on edge, and our hearts go out to the families, co-workers, and fellow countrymen of those assassinated. The mindset of Islamic terrorists is increasingly disturbing as their violence around the world escalates. Also, increasing around the world is a misinformed perspective about Israel. Palestinian terrorists and leaders continue to shout their tainted, skewed position to a listening world. Take, for instance, an incident that happened just a few weeks ago in December 2014.

Gaza fires - Hamas outraged over Israel’s response

Gaza fired a rocket at Israel December 19th, breaking the ceasefire agreement that ended the 50 days of Operation Protective Edge last October.

Israel responded with an airstrike on a cement factory, noting that the complex was used to make materials for the rebuilding of Hamas terrorist tunnels for attacking Israel.

Israel said they would not even tolerate a trickle of rockets coming from Gaza. Israel would respond, and if Hamas doesn’t know how to control its people to stop the rockets, Israel does (Jerusalem Post).

Hamas is outraged.

Hamas said Israel’s retaliatory airstrike was “a grave breach of the Egyptian-brokered” ceasefire.

Hamas called Israel’s response a “dangerous escalation.”

Hamas accused Israel of “playing with the calm obtained after the summer fighting.”

Hamas says it “is examining its response to the aggression,” the Jerusalem Post article continued.


Why is Hamas is outraged, when they initiated a random assault on Israel? Unfortunately, this is as ridiculous as it sounds. What’s more disheartening is that so many in the world continue siding with terrorist-led Palestinians whose expressed goal is to harm as many Israelis as possible.

How is it that so many today hear only the action of Israel against Hamas and fail to take into account the initiating actions of Hamas? How is it that the word “response” – which clearly communicates an act committed against Israel first – is so regularly overlooked?

Publisher Omits Israel from AtlasIsrael

To add insult to injury, recently a major publisher of atlases intentionally omitted Israel from certain maps of the Middle East. The maps were “developed specifically for schools in the Middle East,” quotes the Times of Israel, and HarperCollins explained that “including Israel “would have been ‘unacceptable’ to their customers in the Gulf.”  Director of the UK’s Council of Christians and Jews, Dr. Jane Clements, commented on the power that maps have “in terms of delegitimizing ‘the other,’” and she went on to advise publishing houses to adhere strictly to the “official United Nations position on nations, boundaries, and all political features.”

HarperCollins apologized on Wednesday, December 31st, 2014, adding that they have pulled their “Collins Middle East Atlas” from all sales territories and that “all remaining stock will be pulped.”

Both of these situations are frustrating and concerning, to be sure. And a reminder to pray for Israel. Israel is increasingly facing this kind of illogical opinion among world nations as well as from individuals around the globe. An irrational anti-Semitic attitude is spreading through the inadequately informed or intentionally prejudiced people and nations of the world – and gaining momentum. Instances of violence against Jewish People are happening with increasing frequency in Europe, the United States, and other countries. Defamations, vandalism, and violence are happening on college campuses, toward Jewish-owned businesses, and Jewish individuals walking their own city streets.

Prayers for Israel

Please continue to pray for Israel:

  • For protection of the nation and Jewish People everywhere.
  • That spreading anti-Semitism would be countered by a spreading of truth.
  • That individuals who love God’s Chosen People will speak out peacefully but courageously within their circles of influence and encourage a growing informed understanding.
  • For the government of Israel that is undergoing the turmoil of disbanding its current Knesset and planning new elections mid-way through the term.
  • That the truth of Yeshua would reach the prepared Jewish hearts everywhere so that they will come to know their Messiah, the only Prince of Peace.


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