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Israel Called to Brace for a Lengthy Operation

July 29, 2014

APTOPIX Mideast Israel Palestinians, Israeli, soldiers Israeli soldiers mourn the death of Sergeant Sagi Erez, an infantry soldier killed Monday in combat. His funeral was held on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. Source: AP Images

Five more Israeli soldiers lost their lives and several more were injured following a mortar round that landed near a community outside of Gaza, as fighting resumed after a brief Eid al-Fitr (Muslim holiday) hiatus on Monday. Later Monday night, a squad of Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel inside Israel and killed five IDF soldiers, in an attack that took place south of Kibbutz Nahal Oz in the vicinity of the Karmi Crossing with the Gaza Strip. The five soldiers killed in the Hamas raid brought the Israeli death toll to 10 on Monday alone, and 53 since the beginning of “Operation Protective Edge.”

map-640x480, Israel, Hamas, terrorist, tunnel, map A Hamas terrorist's seized map reveals tunnel access areas and rocket launchers in highly populated locations. Source: IDF Blog (see below)

Netanyahu told the country to brace for what could be a lengthy operation, which he said had to lead to a demilitarized Gaza. He called UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to reject the Security Council’s ceasefire appeal, in the process indirectly rejecting a similar call 24 hours earlier from President Barack Obama. The Prime Minister said that the Gaza operation would continue until the tunnel threat is stopped.

The IDF successfully inflicted heavy damage to the only power plant in Gaza, rendering useless the steam generator and fuel tanks which set them on fire. Enormous fires raged around the plant Tuesday morning, with fire department vehicles unable to reach the area. Earlier this month Palestinian terrorists launched a rocket that damaged Israel’s power lines.

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Source: IDF Blog (Copyright usage infoLicense), The Times of Israel, The Times of Israel, The Times of Israel

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