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How YOU can stand with Israel and bless her people!

January 08, 2019

The plans I’m about to share with you are certainly ambitious.

But if you believe, as I do, that God wants to bless and transform the lives of Jewish people, then you’ll want to be a part of this.

Today I want to invite you to do that through your generous gift of support as the new year begins.

Yes, you can participate in a growing Messianic movement that is bringing healing and hope to Jewish people all over the world, but especially in Israel. God IS truly at work there! And He wants to use YOU – through Jewish Voice – as His ambassador of compassion, peace and redemption.

Because so many Jewish people in Israel still need the physical care and spiritual blessings you can provide in the name of Yeshua (Jesus).

That’s why we must reach as many as we can before He returns in power and glory to fulfill His plans for the Jewish State AND all Jewish people worldwide.

Much To Celebrate – Much To Accomplish

While the past year has been one of historic change in Israel, it has also been a season of threat and even danger for Israel and her people. But there’s encouraging news…

  • Those who love Israel and her people celebrated the 70th anniversary of Israel’s founding as an independent Jewish State

  • We witnessed the United States’ renewed support for Israel. Most important, the U.S. Embassy was moved to Jerusalem in recognition of that key city as the rightful capital of Israel

But this is troubling…

  • Israel again faced the nonstop anti-Semitic bias of the United Nations, an influential international organization that is supposed to work for fairness, understanding and peace among all countries
  • Israel’s enemies – including Syria, Iran and the terrorist organizations ISIS, Hezbollah and Hamas – continued their deadly attacks on the Jewish State, keeping the world focused on the age-old question, Is peace possible in the Middle East?
  • During one November barrage, Hamas terrorists launched more than 460 rockets into southern Israel over a 24-hour period, killing one, wounding 30, and sending hundreds into shelters 

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

Ministries Of Care And Compassion

Indeed, these are challenging days for Israel. That’s why, for more than 50 years, one of our primary goals has been to support the Jewish people. We do this because we see incredible need and suffering in Israel, especially among elderly Holocaust survivors.

One of the ways we want to accomplish this is by expanding our support of experienced and trusted Messianic ministries. These developing partnerships will result in even more:

  • Direct support for Messianic congregations in Israel
  • Care for widows, orphans, the poor and, especially, elderly Holocaust survivors
  • Evangelism – on the street and at special events
  • Outreach to the homeless, those struggling with substance abuse or trapped in prostitution

Through these carefully vetted partnerships, we’ve also been able to provide even more medical, dental and vision care. This is already earning us favor and the opportunity to share the truth of Jesus.

Our goal is nothing less than to point many, many more Jewish people toward Jesus.

Sharing Our Faith With Jewish People: The Heart Of This Ministry

But we’re also seeing a dramatically expanding community of faith made up of a growing number of Messianic Believers and Messianic congregations in Israel.

Jewish Voice now supports more than 60 Messianic congregations and organizations in Israel – all proclaiming that Jesus is the long-promised Messiah and working to share that truth with others.

But these congregations and organizations need financial support and other resources. Even though the percentage of Believers is increasing quickly, overall they are still a tiny minority.

Our brothers and sisters there need support – expertise, funding and prayer – to continue growing in number, growing in faith and growing their own local ministries.

Israel is the key to God’s plans for the world’s redemption. As you and I work to bring His Word to Jewish people in Israel, we’re partnering with Him, acting as His hands and feet, and ushering in the Last Days, when God will reveal His glory and reward those who serve Him.

Please Join Us In 2019 To Share Peace, Healing And Hope In Israel

When you stand with us now by sending a gift, you’ll let us know of your commitment for ministry to Jewish people.

You’ll not only bring physical healing to Jewish people in Israel, you’ll also share the Good News of Jesus as Messiah. Your good works in Jesus’ name will demonstrate the power of our faith for all to see.

If you’re able to renew your support right now by giving $40 or more, I’ll say thank you with a copy of my new book, A Lasting Peace.

In this just-published book, I share the crucial history and context of the Middle East conflict and explain why it’s relevant to Believers today. I help you understand the significance of the times we live in – from a historical, biblical and spiritual perspective.

In addition, I’ll also send you the companion set, A Lasting Peace Study Guide and DVD – that includes bonus material you won’t read about in the book alone.

And if you can give $100 or more, you’ll receive all three of these great, new resources, plus I’ll also personally sign and endorse your copy of A Lasting Peace.

God Is Our Provision – And He’s Working Through YOU

I’ll close with this: While God is, and always has been, our ultimate source of provision, we’re counting on your support to move this ministry forward in the new year. God works through His faithful people.

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