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On the Ground in Israel

July 30, 2014

Israel stories

“Day #21 - 2:29 a.m. My phone is beeping…On the screen it says: Alert over Ashdod. Another beep. Another one. Looks like it’s getting closer. I’m getting up…going to the kids’ room. Sirens….We are hearing some explosions.”

These are words from a woman in Israel whose middle of the night scramble to hurry her family to the safe room in their home is circulating on Facebook. Another story tells of a siren sounding in Beersheba. When driving and a rocket warning siren sounds,

Young Israeli girls head towards a bomb shelter that is in the shape of a serpent during a series of sirens. Many bomb shelters have been painted with bright colors and scenes so that they feel less threatening especially for children suffering from their traumatic experiences during the ongoing conflict., Israel, shelter, IDF, families, family, children, rocket Young Israeli girls head towards a bomb shelter that is in the shape of a serpent during a series of sirens. Many bomb shelters have been painted with bright colors and scenes so that they feel less threatening especially for children suffering from their traumatic experiences during the ongoing conflict.

Israelis stop and take cover wherever they can. A man crouching next to a short wall was joined by another man holding his baby boy. Suddenly a third man showed up and knelt with his back against the street, shielding the father and son with his own body. The caption further explained, “This is Israel: protecting life the best they can.”

Miracles in Israel

Those ministering to Israel are going through this right along with their neighbors.

“This morning was like the that preceded it. We awoke to the sounds of explosions in the distance.”

One ministry family was driving when a warning siren went off. At first they didn’t see any safe place to pull over and take shelter. They were about to stop the car and simply cover their heads when the son spotted a bus stop where they could take cover. They drove a few yards on and stopped. Just then they heard an explosion. The rocket had been intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome and shrapnel was raining down from the sky on the area where they had almost stopped. “Despite the fact that shrapnel doesn’t sound as dangerous as a ‘rocket,’ shrapnel is usually searing hot large pieces of metal falling apart from a rocket and falling to the ground very fast. We’ve had countless people who were severely injured from shrapnel.”

Serving the people

Though they are living through these frightening days themselves, the people in ministries supported by Jewish Voice are motivated to bring love, comfort, and necessities to the frightened and the displaced in Israel.

“It’s very hard having to run to shelter several times a day, with kids. But we’ve used this time to reach out and bring comfort and support to our communities that are under fire.”

Their ministry continues. Helping people evacuate, arranging transportation, providing basic needs for the displaced, putting together care packages for the soldiers, visiting children in bomb shelters… these are the expressions of Yeshua’s love taking place in Israel by ministries JVMI supports. Home visits to pray with and encourage people are other aspects of serving the people living in Israel’s most dangerous zones.

Please pray for the people of these ministries and the people they are helping. Pray for:

  • Protection, strength, comfort, and rest as these servants work so hard to take care of others
  • Open doors for the Good News to be shared
  • People’s hearts to be drawn to God in this time of need

AAO offerPlease continue praying for IDF troops and their families, for successful routing out of terrorist tunnels, launch sites, and command centers, for the citizens of Gaza, and for the disarming of Hamas’s power to further harm Israel and its own people.

Your contributions to Jewish Voice help fund these on-the-ground ministries in Israel. Your support of us helps support them. We – and they – greatly appreciate it.

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