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Get your complimentary Last Will and Testament

November 17, 2017

Don’t let the government decide
how to divide your estate

A Special Offer to Complete your
Will or Trust at No Charge to You

If you died tomorrow, who would determine how your estate would be divided?

According to a recent survey, 60 percent of Americans die without a Last Will and Testament – and that ultimately means that the government will decide how to divide their estates.

Don’t let this happen to your family.

To ensure that your wishes are carried out, it is essential that you make them known and document them legally – in a Last Will and Testament, or Trust.

Jewish Voice Ministries has recently teamed with Financial Planning Ministry* to offer each of our valued Partners the creation of a Last Will and Testament, at no charge to you.

There is no obligation. It’s our complimentary gift to you and your family, because we appreciate your faithful partnership in sharing the Gospel and care about your peace of mind.

For more information, call 1-855-550-1455 today and we’ll send your certificate entitling you to completion of your complimentary professional will or trust.

*Available in the US only.

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