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Final Report: Odessa 2015 Hear O' Israel Festival

October 02, 2015

pTn7z1RjMXtNsome5fVfBjTGvWndwxrnp9GLEyh7VYIWe want to thank you for your faithfulness and fervency in daily prayer. We ask that you share the fruit of our labors in Odessa. Despite all the opposition, the last-minute challenges, and the principalities and powers waring against the proclamation of the Good News of Yeshua to our Jewish people, we experienced these results during our three –day Hear O’ Israel! Festival:

15,600 people attended the Festival, which was held both inside the Opera Theater in downtown Odessa and simultaneously in a rented Soccer Stadium just two miles from the Theater. The Theater was packed to standing-room-only capacity for each of the five Festival performances, and the soccer stadium was filled with thousands—even over 1,000 people watching on Saturday afternoon in the pouring rain!

2,252 Jewish people (and families) provided their contact information to our follow-up and outreach team in Odessa as a result of attending the Festival. That means that 2,252 will receive a personal one-on-one contact via phone or mail. Pray that these people are drawn by the Lord to connect with.

4J7_7zqm70EFUlIBjzQpVRV9MeE1aF8NrDQyP7xtF6EThousands of other Odessa residents, not from the Jewish community, provided their contact information for the local network of pastors and evangelical leaders to contact. We also pray that the Kingdom—both Jew and Gentile—in Odessa would be strengthened as a result of this outreach.

Thanks for remembering our Jewish people in prayer for salvation and renewal during these Jewish High Holy Days! That, as Israel repents, fountains of grace and supplication would be opened and Yeshua would be revealed!


Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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