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Day 15: The Constant Barrage

July 22, 2014

Funeral for an Israeli Soldier

As rockets fired at Israel show no signs of letting up, and Hamas shows no interest in a cease fire, the IDF struck some 190 terrorist targets over the past 24 hours in the Gaza Strip, including more than 100 in the area of Shejaia, while Hamas continues to attempt infiltration into Israel through underground tunnels. This, despite the arrival of US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who have come to negotiate a ceasefire that is acceptable to both Israel and Hamas.

A senior US State Department official told reporters, “We don’t expect it to be easy, but our goal is to achieve a cessation of hostilities as soon as possible.” The Arab League has strongly suggested that Hamas accept the Egyptian proposal offered last week. Kerry agrees that the Egyptian initiative is the foundation for a truce to be reached.

The death toll among IDF troops reached 28 as Day 15 of “Operation Protective Edge” battled into Tuesday afternoon, with two IDF soldiers being killed and thirteen injured. The death toll is now higher than the number of military personnel who died in the two previous major Israeli efforts to thwart Hamas terrorism in 2008-2009 and 2012. Sgt. First Class Oded Ben-Sira, 22, from Nir Etzion in northern Israel, served in the Nahal Brigade and Master Sergeant Ohad Shemesh, 27, from Beit Elazari near Rehovot died in the incursion.

“The operation will continue and be expanded until the goal is achieved—the restoration of quiet to Israel’s citizens for a prolonged period. Hamas must be held accountable for rejecting ceasefires,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said.

One spokesperson said the intensely severe combat in Shejaiya on Sunday, where dozens of Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers were killed, “is reminiscent of ‘Black Hawk Down,’ the book and film describing the horrendous 1993 battles in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The constant barrage has grown extremely difficult for southern Israeli families, where rocket fire persists throughout the day and night.

Please pray for:

  • The safety of the Israeli army and their families
  • The grieving families of Oded Ben-Sira and Ohad Shemesh as they are laid to rest tonight
  • The safe transfer of humanitarian equipment and goods into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing
  • Beersheba and the Ashkelon coast region where Code Red sirens are blaring, warning Israelis to find shelter
  • For peace, provision, and comfort for the most vulnerable in Israel – the children and the elderly.
  • The Jewish People to seek and find the Prince of Peace, Yeshua the Messiah

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