Confessing the Word of God is the process by which faith is deposited and released in our lives. We hear the Word of God as it is read and confessed, and over time, as we hear God's promises over and over again, it eventually drops down into our spirit, where faith is then activated. When this happens the promises of God become a reality in our life! Please listen and follow along to Deuteronomy 7:13 in English and Hebrew :
Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!