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This Is A Complex Issue

February 12, 2016

unnamed-1 This Is A Complex Issue.  

The Western Wall is a must-see for any visitor to Jerusalem. The site of ultra-Orthodox men praying there has moved and inspired millions of pilgrims. In recent weeks, however, a move to add diversity to that familiar image is making the wall the center of great controversy within Israel.

As you may know, the Western Wall prayer plaza, situated just below the Roman-era Temple Mount retaining wall, is the holiest site anywhere in the world at which Jews can pray.

The wall was originally erected as part of the expansion of the Second Jewish Temple by Herod the Great. For centuries, prior to the rebirth of the nation-state of Israel in 1948, Jewish pilgrims prayed at what many call “the Wailing Wall.” But for 19 years following Israel’s establishment, Jews were effectively banned from praying there. That all changed on June 10, 1967, when Israel gained sovereignty over the site following the Six-Day War.

Since that day, ultra-Orthodox Jewish men have had access to the plaza for prayer, but in recent years there have been calls to open the site to other Jewish denominations and to Jewish women. This change is bitterly opposed by the ultra-Orthodox in Israel.

Nevertheless, a plan to create a section for women’s prayer groups, as well as Reformed and Conservative Jews, at one portion of the wall has gained approval from the government and is moving forward. But now a new and influential group has voiced opposition to the project—archaeologists.

This Tuesday, a group of nine prominent archaeologists expressed concern that creating a new plaza at the Western Wall will damage “the most important archaeological site for the Jewish people.” The group told Israeli news media, “The diamond in Jerusalem’s archaeological crown must not be harmed accommodate the needs of various Jewish religious streams.”

This is clearly a complex issue, but also one with potential prophetic implications. Of course, one of our key missions here at Jewish Voice is to keep you apprised of world developments that have prophetic significance. We’re also sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with precious Jewish People all over the world and taking humanitarian aid to some of the neediest among the scattered Tribes of Israel.

Please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and please keep your connection to Jewish Voice strong.  If you can share a gift of support for our diverse outreaches, please do so now using the “Donate” button below. Thank you!

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1787_Yeshua-Menorah_PlateYeshua Menorah and Yeshua at the Wailing Wall Plate

This unique menorah depicts the Holy City of Jerusalem in a specially designed collector’s base with the Hebrew letters for Yeshua forming the seven branches of the candleholders above. This 6” porcelain plate contains an especially moving image. Yeshua is reaching out to those praying at the Wailing Wall, revealing His deep longing for His People to come to Him as their Messiah. Israel-donate-button

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