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Coming Soon: Daily Show With Jonathan Bernis!

July 02, 2015


Coming Soon! "Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis" DAILY!

That’s right! Coming this fall, our television show “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis” will be moving to a daily format! Now instead of only once per week, you can receive exciting new content Monday through Friday that will help you stand firm in your faith during the challenging times we face.

Click Here to View a Special Message From Jonathan 



Timely Topics and Exciting Guests

Get critical biblical knowledge and insightful commentary on topics that Believers around the world are asking for with increasing urgency.

Hear fascinating guests like New York Times bestselling authors Joel Richardson and Jonathan Cahn, along with award-winning journalists like Chris Mitchell and Erick Stakelbeck.

Now you can tune in daily to discover where we are on God’s Last Days timeline, keep up to date on Middle East news affecting Israel, and see how current world events are lining up in biblically prophetic ways.

Growing your faith daily!

You’ll also grow in your faith through the extremely timely teaching of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis who brings his unique perspective regarding God’s plans and heart towards the Jewish People, the State of Israel, and her prophetic role in End Time events.

During these increasingly troubled times, you will be equipped with a deeper understanding of God at work in the world, be encouraged in your faith walk, and be renewed with hope as His return draws closer every day.

Join us for fresh teachings and exciting guests DAILY, beginning this fall. “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis” is broadcast to over 675 million homes worldwide and soon there will be even more to enjoy with new shows daily. We’re looking forward to seeing you every day!

Click Here to Watch A Special Message from Jonathan


Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don’t have to be a medical professional to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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