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Can the BDS Movement Be Defeated?

February 26, 2016

unnamed-1 Can the BDS Movement Be Defeated?  

I often must share alarming or troubling information in this space. So, I’m always delighted when I can share news of a breakthrough or a positive development in the global fight against the spirit of anti-Semitism.

That’s why I’m pleased to report that in recent weeks, the worldwide, anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) has suffered significant setbacks in the West.

Last Wednesday, the British government formally announced moves designed to discourage anti-Israel boycott activity by universities and municipalities. Both have been hotbeds of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activism in recent years. Under the proposed law, “discrimination against Israeli suppliers” would be prohibited.

The UK is not alone in pushing back against BDS movement recently. The city of Paris this week passed bipartisan motions condemning boycotts of Israel. On Monday, Canada’s Parliament overwhelmingly passed a motion that formally condemns the BDS Movement, declaring that it “promotes the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel.”

Also this week, The Spanish city of Aviles reversed its January decision favoring BDS, denouncing it now as discriminatory. Last week, the Jerusalem Post learned that a German bank would be closing the account of one of the top BDS websites in that country. As yet it is unclear if the reason is related to the fact that the bank’s parent company is located in France and perhaps violates their anti-BDS laws.

Here in the United States, Florida just became the most recent of several state legislatures moving to thwart the boycotters. The U.S. Congress also signaled its opposition to the BDS movement recently, passing a resolution requiring the Commerce Department to discourage European boycotts of Israel.

We really can make a difference if we make our voices heard and continue to fervently pray.

Here at Jewish Voice Ministries, we’re standing stronger than ever in our support for Israel and the Jewish people. We continue to use every medium at our disposal to educate, illuminate, and persuade others.

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6103_the_hope_rebirth_israelThe Hope - The Rebirth of Israel, DVD


This inspiring CBN-produced documentary takes viewers on a journey through the 50 years preceding the founding of the State of Israel. See history unfold through the eyes of some of Israel’s visionaries and founders.

You’ll also discover the early 19th Century deal that legally purchased the Holy Land and the 32 minutes that brought Israel her independence.




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