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Bringing the Good News of Yeshua - Gondar 2015 Recap

November 04, 2015



A few months ago, we told you about our desire to conduct a medical outreach amongst the Beta Israel in Gondar, Ethiopia. Our goal was to provide medical care for up to 10,000 people and bring them the Good News of Messiah Yeshua.

Jewish Voice, along with 70 outreach partners, recently returned from our trip to Gondar and the results were staggering. Before we share the results, one of our outreach partners describes what he saw in the prayer room one day:

Gondar2015-staffprayer"I watched pray and lay hands on a man that could not walk without the aid of his crutches. I had followed this man into the room when I came from security. He was sitting waiting for prayer when they came and prayed over him. After they prayed, they asked him to stand up and walk. He got up slow and you could tell he was afraid. But he walked without his crutches and he walked around the room! We all praised the Lord for this, and the man went on to hear the love of the Lord from our prayer team."

For Jewish Voice and our partners, this was an exciting and very productive clinic. In fact, we were able to break several Jewish Voice records for patients seen at a medical outreach. Many of the days were overwhelming with the amount of need we saw, but Wednesday came to a close, our team was thrilled to learn they had been able to treat 2,975 patients that day alone. That is the largest single-day outreach in the history of Jewish Voice clinics.

Our final numbers were even more staggering. With the help of our outreach partners, plus your prayer and support, we were able to treat 13,018 people with free medical care, making this the largest number of patients seen at a Jewish Voice medical clinic in the sixteen years we have been conducting them.

According to our Global Outreach Director, prayer made this possible, as the staff realized that treating over thirteen thousand people in such a short time frame was above and beyond their human capabilities. Thank you for faithfully praying – it truly makes a difference!

Healing and Saving Power of Yeshua


But, the most important number of all is even more staggering. Our prayer ministry team has confirmed hundreds of people came through the prayer tent to receive prayer, healing, and to receive Yeshua as their Savior. And many of those were Jewish People coming to know their Messiah for the first time.

With partners like you, Jewish Voice Ministries will be able to continue bringing medical clinics to the scattered Tribes of Israel, provide dental and eye care to Holocaust survivors in Israel, and lead thousands of Jewish People to Yeshua every year until Yeshua returns.

What we are doing together - seeing lives changed through the healing and saving power of Yeshua - is making a powerful difference in these Last Days.

Thank you for the difference you are making in the lives of these precious Jewish People and their neighbors.


Check out our 2016 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. These life-giving clinics are not possible without people like you, praying, donating, and volunteering. Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? We need non-medical volunteers, too. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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