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Breaking News: Israel calls upon UN to recognize Yom Kippur

May 16, 2014

“There are three monotheistic religions, yet only two are recognized by the UN calendar. Such discrimination at the UN must end,” said Israel’s UN Ambassador Ron Prosor in a letter written to his colleagues.

The UN recognizes 10 holidays on its calendar, four of which are religious holidays of Christianity and Islam. The UN’s General Assembly determines the official holiday calendar which observes the holy days of Christmas and Good Friday from the Christian faith.  Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the two main holidays of Islam, are also recognized having been added to the UN calendar in 1998.

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But what about Judaism? With approximately 15 million Jewish People living, not just in Israel, but in a multitude of nations throughout the globe, Judaism is the third monotheistic religion of the world. Yet the UN calendar reflects none of this significance. Israel is asking for that to change.

Also called The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur is the most sacred and important day of the year for Jewish People. It is the day when Jewish People dedicate themselves to prayer and fasting, seeking forgiveness for their sins of the past year. Even those who do not follow other Jewish holidays observe Yom Kippur. It takes place in September or October each year (on our Gregorian calendar) and falls right after the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah.

The yearly General Assembly of world leaders in September sometimes conflicts with Yom Kippur. If the holiday was added to the official holiday calendar it would mean offices would be closed and no meetings held. “It is about time Jewish employees at the UN won’t be obligated to work on Yom Kippur,” Prosor said. He also pointed out the fact that in observing the most sacred holidays of both Christianity and Islam but not Judaism, “it is prioritizing one religion over the other.” A General Assembly vote will likely be necessary to approve the addition of Yom Kippur to the holiday calendar.


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