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June 28, 2017
Prayer Points

We have seen the Lord do amazing things in answer to your prayers, and now we are asking you to join us in praying for blessings in Buhera. This region in Zimbabwe lacks so much – such as clean water, employment, and good medical assistance. As we bring medical and dental care to a new location within the Buhera district of Zimbabwe, we will also share the biggest blessing of all – the love and Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) – with both the Jewish people and their neighbors there.. 

This will be the largest-ever Medical Outreach team we’ve taken to Zimbabwe. Please help us cover them, and every aspect of the trip, with around-the-clock prayer. Choose your own prayer time slot on our calendar. Here are detailed prayer points so you can pray with insight into our day-to-day needs.  

You are a blessing as are your prayers. Together we will soon praise the Lord for the blessings He will pour out on Buhera! 


Please pray for: 

Wednesday, July 5 through Wednesday, July 12 – Isaiah 40:3 

  • Wisdom and strength for our advance team as they set up the clinic in this new-to-us area in the  Buhera district 

  • Special insight for the layout and setup of the campsite as this is the largest number of partners we have ever had on an Outreach in Zimbabwe 

  • Great favor with local authorities, and all permissions, official and unofficial, to fall in place 

  • Our partners as they prepare to leave family, friends, and vocations to minister in Africa 


Thursday, July 13 – Deuteronomy 31:8 

  • The LORD's watchful protection over our Outreach partners and team members as they travel 

  • All transportation connections to be made easily for our passengers and their luggage 

  • The Spirit of the Lord to prepare all of us for this time of intense and rewarding ministry 

  • Mild, dry weather throughout the Outreach and on travel days, as it can be very cold this time of year 


Friday, July 14 – John 17:23 

  • Our group of Outreach partners  to bond and build relational connections with one another early in the trip 

  • Purpose, unity, and joy at the welcome meeting and dinner at the hotel in Zimbabwe 

  • Jet lag to dissipate quickly and a good night's sleep every night  

Saturday, July 15 – Exodus 4:12 

  • The campsite to be well prepared in time for the arrival of our Outreach partners 

  • Safe travels to the campsite 

  • A good day of transition and spiritual fortification before the Clinic begins 

Sunday, July 16 – 2 Thessalonians 3:3 

  • The Lord to impart a deep awareness of His presence each day in morning prayer

  • Clarity, unity, and understanding during the Clinic orientation and setup 

  • Many to feel loved and be served as the Medical Clinic opens for its first four hours today 

  • Health and physical protection today and every day for all of our team members as well as for those who come to us and then wait to be treated 

  • The Zehra Kids program to be a blessing all week as children come and play, color, sing, and learn together 

Monday, July 17 – 1 Corinthians 14:33 

  • The best possible layout of the clinic to help our large team of partners successfully serve the many patients who will come 

  • The spiritual affairs manager and all those ministering in the prayer tent to be used powerfully by the Holy Spirit 

  • The worship leader to draw every heart to the Lord for fresh energy and anointing 

  • Each person to serve with a willing, humble heart out of the faith and gifts the Lord has given  

Tuesday, July 18 – Psalm 5:12/Psalm 5:13 (TLV) 

  • The Lord's favor to permeate every element of this Outreach so that we are blessed in order to be a blessing 

  • The food, sleeping, and washroom arrangements to fully accommodate the needs of our largest-ever Zimbabwe team 

  • The powers of darkness to flee as the spiritual atmosphere in the region is changed by welcoming the Prince of Peace 

  • All Outreach partners to be integrated into the larger team with a spirit of unity

Wednesday, July 19 – Hebrews 2:4 

  • Effectiveness of and good reception for our special discipleship materials 

  • The Lemba leaders to be enriched through the new Leadership Training on Wednesday and Thursday evenings during the Outreach  

  • The truth of Yeshua to be manifest through word and deed and accompanied by signs and wonders 

Thursday, July 20 – Romans 10:9 

  • Many to receive Yeshua and salvation through Him 

  • The medical team to administer successful treatment for all who come and for the Lord’s healing of many  

  • Deliverance for those who are bound or oppressed in any way and for that freedom to impact the region 

  • Breakthrough and a breaking away from any legalistic religious spirit 

Friday, July 21 – Romans 15:13a 

  • Energy and safety as we break down the campsite early in the morning 

  • The Lord to allow us to treat as many as possible this last morning of the Clinic and for Him to meet with each one that we are not able to see 

  • Safe travels back to the hotel and a wonderful evening of joy and Sabbath rest 

Saturday, July 22 – Exodus 33:14 

  • Rest and reflection with gratitude on all the Lord has done this past week 

  • Staff and Outreach partners to continue to be blessed by the Lord's protection and divine health 

  • Healing for any Outreach patients referred for ongoing medical care 

Sunday, July 23 – Philippians 4:13 

  • Stamina and attention to detail for our staff team as they close out the Outreach 

  • Safe travels to the airport, across the sea, and home 

Monday, July 24 and beyond – 2 Timothy 2:2 

  • Partners as they arrive home and resume "everyday life" with new stories of God's power and goodness to share 

  • Our staff team members as they travel home and immediately begin to prepare for the next initiatives and locations where the Lord is leading us 

  • Local congregational leaders as they follow up with the new Believers and those open to  contact after the Medical Outreach 

We pray, Lord, and boldly ask for unprecedented blessing for the people and region of Buhera, Zimbabwe. You see their hardships, and You hear their cries for healing, deliverance, and mercy.  Please pour out Your blessings and save and heal many. Please also bless those in the region who will continue to bring a deeper awareness of Your loving-kindness. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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