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Being a Hope Giver

March 17, 2016

hope-2Have you noticed a rising trend in feel-good videos running through social media lately? Short productions, montages about rescues, heroes, and loyalty. Sometimes it’s friends just sharing something that made their day. As evil ramps up in the world around us, there is a growing hunger for good news.

The other day, I clicked on a short video I saw on Facebook. A boy wearing simple clothing knelt on the sidewalk cheerfully and skillfully putting a shine on his client’s shoes. An affluent businessman watched the boy at work and was impressed, so he decided to be his next customer. When it came time to pay, the well-dressed man gave the young entrepreneur a bill much larger than the cost and told him to keep the change.

In the next scene, the boy brings his heavy toolbox with him into a large appliance store. The owner – who happens to be the generous tipper with newly shined shoes – notices him.  The boy looks at a product and counts his earnings. His face falls; it’s still not enough for what he wants to buy. When he leaves, the man follows, careful to not be seen. He watches the lad enter the tall wooden gates of a courtyard. Through the opened gate, he sees a little girl playing and a mother kneeling on the hard brick washing a single piece of clothing in a small tub.

In scene three, men in coveralls knock on the gate and deliver a brand new washing machine to the family. The businessman removes the shoeshine box from the boy’s shoulders and replaces it with a backpack for school. The piece ends with the store owner, his delivery men, and the family enjoying tea together.

H.O.P.E. - Hold on, pain ends:

— Jewish Voice (@jewish_voice) March 10, 2016

Stories like these touch our hearts. In a darkening world, we are searching for light. People are grasping for stories that will offset bad news and hard times. People are looking for hope.

Maybe you’re not the one struggling to rise out of a time discouragement or despair, but you probably know someone who is – at least to some degree.  Sometimes you know when someone is hurting. Other times, well, people can be pretty good at hiding their troubles. The truth is, you never really know how deep the struggles are that others bear.

How can we become Hope Givers to those around us?

The first place to start is prayer. Ask God to give you a keener perception of who around you needs encouragement and hope. Ask Him to give you eyes to see ways that you can affirm them.

Simply being kind and helpful can make a big difference in someone’s day. Do you see a need? Meet it.

Is someone at work having a hard day? Tell them they’re doing a great job and share something you appreciate about them.

Clearly, the best hope we can offer comes from God Himself. The Bible – God’s Word – is filled with encouraging, strengthening messages to us. Develop a “hope arsenal” by writing down these kinds of verses when you come across them. Then, share them with those who need to hear uplifting words.

As Believers, we know that real hope is found only in Yeshua (Jesus). He is the only lasting and true hope of mankind. God so deeply desires to reach everyone with His hope that He tells us, His followers, to “…Always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15 TLV).

Ask God to deepen your heart to share the Gospel – the Good News – with people in your life. Find Scriptures that testify to the points of the Gospel story (such as Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:6, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:21 and 24, Acts 4:12, and Romans 10:9), and pray for God to bring hope-hungry people to you for you to share Yeshua with.

Do you know someone who needs a shot of hope? Could you use a boost yourself? We here at Jewish Voice are excited about Jonathan Bernis’ newest book. It’s all about HOPE and is coming out in April!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for shalom and not calamity – to give you a future and a hope”

-Jeremiah 29:11 TLV


Based on Jeremiah 29:11, Jonathan encourages and uplifts Believers with the message that God isn’t finished with you yet and He has a hope-filled plan for your future!

Click here to preview the first chapter of A Hope and A Future, by Jonathan Bernis.


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