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Because of you . . .

December 07, 2015

Because of YOU, Jewish Voice Ministries was able to conduct six outreaches in 2015. We delivered free medical, dental, and eye care to impoverished Jewish People during four medical clinics outreaches, and we spread the Good News of Yeshua to overflow crowds of Jewish People in war-weary Odessa, Ukraine.


ethiopia-drinkingwaterWe went to Woliso, Ethiopia, and saw a woman so sick from drinking unclean water that she had become bedridden, unable to eat or drink without being ill. With medicine, she will get well. With the LifeStraw water filtration device that we gave her, and teaching about the importance of clean water, she will stay well.


We went to Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, and saw a woman carried in by friends because a skin infection on her leg made it impossible for her to walk. She left with antibiotics knowing that healing was on the way.


We went to Israel and saw Holocaust survivors struggling to live without clear vision because their stark poverty prevented them from having proper examinations and eyeglasses. They left our optometry clinic so happy and grateful to know they can live the length of their days with excellent vision.


Only because of you, in 2015, these things were possible. We are so thankful for your continued and faithful financial support!


In 2016, we’re going back to these places and more. We’re so excited your continued help will enable us to change even more lives while proclaiming the Good News of Yeshua!


To the Jew first and also to the Nations,

Jewish Voice Ministries International


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