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Assassination Survivor Elected to Israeli Knesset

May 27, 2016

Middle-East-Update-Email-Banner Assassination  Survivor Elected to Israeli Knesset  

A significant and controversial individual became an official member of the Israeli Knesset this week.

For years Yehuda Glick has been one of Israel’s most vocal critics of the current ban on Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. He has led a high-profile and frequently incendiary campaign to advance the rights of Jewish Israelis on this most holy of all Jewish sites.

Glick runs an organization that brings Jewish groups to visit the Temple Mount. As a candidate, he pledged to work within the Knesset to change the current agreement under which Jews may visit the Temple complex, but are forbidden to pray. He has characterized that arrangement as “absurd and evil.”

Back in 2014, Glick was nearly killed when he was shot four times at point-blank range by a Palestinian gunman who later described Glick as “an enemy of Al-Aqsa”—a reference to the Islamic mosque that currently sits on or near the site of the Second Temple.

His election to the Knesset was met with cheers by some but it is provoking apprehension in others. Some fear another outbreak of violent protests by Islamic groups.

As Daniel Seidmann, an attorney and expert in Jerusalem’s geopolitics noted, “There are few threats that create a clear and present danger to the most vital interests of Israel more than a radical change on the Temple Mount.”

Here at Jewish Voice we encourage you to join us in praying for the peace of Jerusalem as we continue to keep you apprised of developments in Israel that carry possible prophetic significance.

We would also remind you that your gifts of support make you a part of countering the rising global tide of anti-Semitism; delivering medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to “Lost Tribes” communities; and sharing the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah with Jewish People the world over.

3019_Pray-for-Peace-TallitIf you can share a gift of support for our diverse outreaches, please do so now using the “Donate” button below. As our way of saying “thank you” for your gift of $50 or more today, we’d like to send you a very special tallit, or prayer shawl, that will help you remember Israel as you go before the Lord in prayer. This lovely white, blue, and gold tallit bears a beautiful depiction of Jerusalem along with the words of Psalm 122:6, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

Your support of Israel and of Jewish Voice Ministries is a great encouragement to us. As we share the Good News of Yeshua throughout the world, we carry that support with us, knowing that you play a key role in the work we do. Thank you!


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