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Addis Ababa: Fruit of JVMI Medical Missions

April 24, 2014

DSC_0256-2The small room cannot contain the music. Nor can hearts contain their worship. It fills every nook of the congregation’s meeting room, surging out into the neighborhood through the open door and small window. Hands. They are raised in praise, folded in prayer, rhythmically clapping, or covering the faces of souls so DSC_0257-2-smdeeply moved by God they can do nothing else. Bodies. Swaying, moving to the music. Not like we sway, an inch to the right and then to the left. No, this is exuberant swaying, with full investment of arms and feet. Dancing. It is dancing! There are others, standing with their bodies bent low and faces toward the floor. They gently sway, DSC_0262-2-smand pray, and sing with eyes closed, awe and humility DSC_0278-cremanating from their posture.

This is a Wednesday night meeting of the Bet-Abraham Messianic Congregation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In the heart of the Kechene community, where the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham Jewish populations reside, there is this house where Yeshua is fervently worshipped as the Jewish Messiah. Simple benches sit atop a hodge-podge floor of worn wood, tile, and rough concrete. The conditions under which these Believers live are rough also, but you would DSC_0279-smnever know it by their joy.

New medical mission to Addis Ababa

This week we are headed back to Ethiopia for another of our five medical missions in 2014. This will be a dental and eye clinic among the Jewish community in the Kechene neighborhood of Addis Ababa, the capitol city of Ethiopia. The needs in both the dental and eye fields are great. DSC_0281-crDisease, cataracts and age rob these beautiful people of their vision. We will be distributing eyeglasses and performing eye surgeries. The dental department is of especially critical importance. A simple cavity can develop into an infection that left untreated can become life threatening.

Giving medical care, sharing Yeshua, and growing disciples

These mission trips are not only about giving much needed healthcare. Meeting physical needs on our medical missions paves the way for spiritual needs to be met, too. Sharing the Good News of Yeshua with the Jewish community and their neighbors is a vital part of why we go. At the end of an outreach, when we look back on numbers, we know that each one represents a life that was changed. The Bet-Abraham Messianic Congregation will continue the impact by following up on new Believers with Bible study and discipleship and welcoming them into their family.

Another life-changing week of ministry is almost here. Please pray with us for the special people who we will meet—whose needs we will meet—on this upcoming medical mission to Addis Ababa.

Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches? You don't have to be a medical professional to be used on our missions trips! Check out our 2014 schedule of medical mission trips on the Medical Outreaches page of our website. Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!

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