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What Am I?

November 09, 2021

I am just a tiny fishing village, but oh, the wonders I’ve seen and heard.

Jesus, the Messiah, spent much of His ministry years with me, and I became His home base during that time.

I heard Him teach in my synagogue many times, and He astounded people because He spoke with authority, unlike any Torah scholar they’d ever heard.

I listened as a demon recognized Jesus as the Messiah, right there in the synagogue. “I know who you are,” it shouted. “You are the Holy One of God!” 

One day, I saw four men lower their paralyzed friend through a roof to present him to Jesus for healing. I marveled as Jesus displayed His authority by both forgiving the man’s sins and healing him. My citizens glorified God with fear and awe in their hearts at the incredible things they’d seen that day.

I saw Jesus teaching a crowd of people as He walked along my streets. When He came upon Levi sitting in his tax collector’s booth, Jesus simply said to him, “Follow Me.” And the man that was also called Matthew left his booth and followed. Later, I saw the jaws drop in shock when Jesus  dined at Levi’s house among cheating tax gatherers and other sinners. And I heard the silence of the Pharisees when He answered their criticism by saying He hadn’t come to call the righteous but the sinful.

I witnessed the desperation of a man whose young daughter was dying. I felt him fall to the ground at Jesus’ feet as he begged Jesus to come and make her well. As Jesus went – amid a crush of people pressing all around Him – one woman touched Him with faith that her 12 years of bleeding would stop. It did, and I heard Jesus call her out, saying that He felt the power leave Him. I saw her relief as He didn’t rebuke her but instead called her “daughter.” But then, a servant came with news about another daughter – the first, whom Jesus had been on His way to heal. During the delay, the young girl died. Her father’s grief was heavy, but Jesus said not to fret because the girl was only asleep. Everyone was confused, but later I heard that, when He went to the home, He brought her dead body back to life!

I listened as a Roman centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant from afar. He said he wasn’t worthy to receive Jesus in his home, but he understood His authority. Jesus could just say the word, and the servant would be healed. Jesus marveled at this Gentile’s faith, saying He hadn’t found anyone in Israel with as much. Then, He said the word. “Go. As you have believed, let it be done for you.” I learned later that, as he went, he received news that his servant was healed the same hour of Jesus’ command.

And Jesus did many more miracles within my little seaside borders. He said that even Sodom would have repented if it had witnessed as many miracles as were done in me.

I am Capernaum.

The seaside village of Capernaum is on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, located along an ancient road that led from Tiberias to the eastern side of the Sea. Capernaum was home base for Jesus during His earthly ministry and where He miraculously healed the apostle Peter’s mother-in-law. Today, you can see excavations that reveal remnants of what is believed to be Peter’s home. You can also find ruins of the 4th Century synagogue rebuilt atop the one where Jesus frequently taught. 

Scriptures Referenced

Mark 1:21–22 
Luke 4:33–35 
Luke 5:17–26  
Matthew 9:9–12 
Luke 8:41–56 
Matthew 8:5–13
Matthew 11:23 

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