Jewish Voice Ministries International is a unique ministry that incorporates large-scale outreaches, including music festivals and medical clinics, to reach out with the love of Yeshua to thousands of Jews and people of other backgrounds. We exist to transform lives and see all Israel saved. In the coming years, we will continuously be on the lookout for new strategies to accomplish our mission to proclaim the Gospel, engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people, and to grow the Messianic Jewish community.
If you spend any time with me, you’ll eventually hear me say, “People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.” This truth has driven us to serve people around the world, and thereby earn the right to share our faith with them. Our effort to reach Jewish communities in remote nations of the world that are open to the Gospel will continue. We are now exploring reported Jewish communities in Nigeria, South Africa, Somaliland, and Uganda. I expect this list will continue to expand in the coming years as more “lost and scattered tribes” communities like the Lemba, Ybir, and Igbo are uncovered.
Fifty years is a long time. And yet, we know that in God’s eyes, 1,000 years may be equal to a single day. If the Lord delays His coming for another 50 years, you can be certain that Jewish Voice Ministries International will still be here, serving Him, saving lives, and preaching His Word when 2067 comes around.
If He returns before then, He will find us watching, waiting, and doing everything within our power to fulfill our purpose to transform lives and see all Israel saved.
Thank you again for your partnership with us in this labor of love. As the Apostle Paul says, “I thank my God at every memory of you, always praying with joy in every prayer of mine for you all, because of your sharing in the Good News from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5 Tree of Life Version).