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How you’re raising up godly Messianic leaders in Africa

July 12, 2017
Messianic Congregation in Woliso, Ethiopia
Effective leadership is the key to success and growth for Messianic congregations in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. That’s why your investment in identifying and training indigenous leaders for these congregations is so critical. We, like you, want to see these bodies of Believers grow strong under godly local leadership.

The training efforts began out of requests from local congregations for additional resources. They were growing and developing. But they recognized their need for more effective leadership.

Working with the local congregations, Jewish Voice helps identify those whom God has gifted for leadership roles. We then help provide them with theological and leadership training. By partnering with other organizations, we make certain they’re receiving a solid biblical and theological foundation.

Your gifts support godly leaders in vibrant Messianic congregations. 

Already, national leaders are emerging, equipped to provide the oversight needed to grow even more leaders and support more congregations into the future. The efforts of these newly trained leaders are already bearing fruit. New Messianic Believers are learning how biblical truths apply to their lives—both personally and through their congregations and communities.

There is still much to do, of course. And your prayers and financial investment are crucial. But the way ahead is clear, as early strategies to identify and equip new leaders have already had great success.

Through the planting and encouragement of Messianic congregations, and especially through the training of local leaders, you’re truly blessing Messianic Believers in Africa!

Beacons of hope

"One of my great joys as president and CEO of Jewish Voice is telling you about the many exciting ministries you make possible around the world.

You know, of course, that your support leads Jewish people to salvation in Yeshua (Jesus).

But one very important part of our work that we don’t often talk about is what happens AFTER we introduce someone to the Messiah.

That’s where congregation and leadership development comes in!

We have a dedicated team working every day to ensure that Messianic Believers— especially new Believers—get plugged into congregations that can help them grow.

But, most important, we equip indigenous leaders for Messianic congregations—leaders who receive practical training to help them grow their congregations.

As a result, Messianic congregations in Africa and elsewhere are becoming beacons—visible witnesses in their communities to the love and grace of Yeshua.

It’s a growing and truly exciting movement. And I thank you for supporting this effort to ensure that God’s Kingdom is as deep as it is wide."

Jonathan Bernis
Jonathan Bernis

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