I recently was reviewing the results from our Medical Clinic efforts in the past year. And I was moved by all God has done – and continues to do – to meet both physical and spiritual needs through the work of Jewish Voice.
In eight Medical Clinics – three in Ethiopia, three in Zimbabwe and two eye clinics in Israel – we were able to serve 60,122 patients!
This included 447 eye surgeries for cataracts and trachoma, 621 other surgeries, and dental care for 8,807 people. Nearly 29,000 LifeStraws were distributed, providing a year’s worth of clean, healthy water to thousands of individuals and hundreds of families. And more than 11,000 people received needed eyeglasses.
In our Israel Clinics, we were able to help 791 elderly Holocaust survivors.
Most important of all, more than 12,000 of our Clinic patients visited our Prayer Rooms to receive personal prayer, and 1,612 professed new faith in Yeshua the Messiah!
All of this (especially the new personal relationships with the Lord) brings great joy to my heart, as I know it brings joy to God’s heart. As Jesus said in Luke 15:7:
. . . there will be more joy in heaven over one repenting sinner than over the ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.
A great part of my joy – and I trust part of the joy the Lord feels as well – is in knowing that all this physical and spiritual caregiving was made possible by the prayers and gifts of our friends and partners. For your part in this – for your compassion and support – I thank you from the bottom of my heart.