At the heart of Jewish Voice Ministries is a clear focus: to introduce people, especially Jewish people, to the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus). This is accomplished, with your help, through our television specials, vibrant worldwide Hear O’ Israel! Festivals of Jewish Music & Dance, the work we do with our ministry partners in Israel, and so much more.
It’s also the principal emphasis of our Outreach Medical Clinics in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and other places where there are many Jewish people and the need is greatest. We are thrilled to be able to offer free, life-saving treatment through these humanitarian outreaches. We provide access to clean water to prevent disease, as well as expert medical and dental care. The greatest need and longest lines at our Clinics are for eye care, including surgery, which we provide throughout the weeklong Clinics.
But even more important than all of that care and service is what happens in the counseling and prayer department at one of these Medical Outreach Clinics. After each person has received care, visitors to most of our Clinics have the opportunity to stop in for counseling and prayer.
Our prayer teams listen to their needs, pray for them, and share the Good News of Yeshua with all who wish to hear. It is in those prayer tents at these JVMI Clinics that an incredible number of Jewish people and their neighbors profess their faith in Yeshua.
Get the Isaiah 53 Wall Art Package
One of the most powerful Messianic passages in the Holy Scriptures is presented in this beautiful, framed piece of art for your wall. An ancient Hebrew manuscript of Isaiah 53:5 is replicated on an aged parchment-like background.
Your generosity makes it possible to do these things, as Yeshua commanded. Together, we heal the sick who have nowhere else to turn for care. We offer life-saving water. We help those who are oppressed and even persecuted, often because of their Jewish traditions. And we share the Gospel, first to the Jew and then to the Nations (Romans 1:16).
The need is great. And we will continue, with God’s help and your support, to return to these people we have served and continue to reach out to many more.
Through your support right now, you can show your love—and the love of Yeshua—for Jewish people and their neighbors worldwide. You’ll provide the expertise, medicine, and facilities to serve those who need it most.
But, most important of all, you will give them the opportunity to receive prayer and hear the Good News of Yeshua, the Messiah.
Please give now to bring healing, health, and hope to an impoverished Jewish person somewhere in the world.
And when you do, you can be assured you’re not only bringing physical healing to Jewish people, but also the Good News of Yeshua as Messiah, the Yeshua Who wants to save all who will turn to Him.
all who will turn to Him. Please send your most generous gift right now to demonstrate your continued commitment to care for and proclaim the Gospel to Jewish people around the world.
Thank you for your wonderful partnership! May God richly bless you!
Get the Isaiah 53 Wall Art Package
One of the most powerful Messianic passages in the Holy Scriptures is presented in this beautiful, framed piece of art for your wall. An ancient Hebrew manuscript of Isaiah 53:5 is replicated on an aged parchment-like background.