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Your Prayers Make a Difference.

Your prayers make a difference in Israel, among Jewish people worldwide and in this ministry. The work the Lord has called us to is big, beautiful and complex, with many moving parts. We need prayer every step of the way. That’s why we’re so grateful for yours.

Why Pray Onsite?

We realize you can pray anywhere, but there’s something incredibly moving and powerful about praying at the very place and amid the very work you’re praying about. Here are some other benefits.

  • Resources – We have plenty of resources to ignite your prayers for Israel, the Jewish people and Jewish Voice, including maps of where we minister, Scripture lists, prayer guides and Jewish Voice Prayer Points

  • Inspiration – Even in the hallway leading to our chapel room, you’ll be inspired by the faces of those helped through this work you’re praying for. In the chapel’s cozy prayer corner, you’ll see a replica of the Western Wall stones and a mural of Jerusalem. You’ll also be aware that you’re quietly surrounded by the various aspects of ministry work taking place right there, right then, in offices throughout the building

  • Unity“For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20). At our weekly Watchmen Prayer Hour meetings, you’ll pray with like-minded Believers and experience the presence of the Lord in an atmosphere of worship, praise and focused prayer. Onsite Prayer Appointments allow you to come sit in the prayer nook to pray by yourself while staff members are “gathered together” in our headquarters, carrying out the work of reaching Jewish people with the Good News of Jesus the Messiah

Learn More

Just fill out the form below, and we’ll get more information to you about the exciting opportunities available to Onsite Prayer Partners.

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