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Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures – The Lord My Banner Package

This package includes:

  • Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures – The Lord My Banner, book by Jonathan Bernis (8706)
    The Lord is your victory. He is your refuge, your stronghold and deliverance. Adonai Nissi, The Lord Is My Banner, is the seventh of Jonathan Bernis’ Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series and is filled with beautiful photographs and Scriptures to strengthen you for the battles of everyday life. In biblical times, a banner was a military element signifying who you aligned with as well as the expectation of victory. Moses declared, “The Lord is my banner” (Exodus 17), and Paul tells us that Yeshua (Jesus) has won the victory for us (1 Corinthians 15). Discover the powerful promises of God, and watch your faith grow as you confess His Word in the Lashon HaKodesh, the Holy Tongue of Hebrew. In this powerful volume, both Old and New Covenant verses are written in English, Hebrew, and the transliteration from Hebrew. A CD including Scriptures spoken in Hebrew enables you to learn pronunciation and begin confessing the Hebrew Scriptures yourself.

  • Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures, DVD by Jonathan Bernis (6083)
    There is power in the Word of God. It is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword and is filled with promises and hope for all generations. To lay hold of the abundant life Yeshua promised us, we must grab onto His Word and make it a vital part of our lives. In this teaching you’ll discover:

    • A life-transforming principle that will make God’s promises a reality for you
    • The relationship between your faith and the spoken Word of God
    • How faith grows and the important elements to building your faith
    • How speaking the Scriptures in Hebrew will encourage your faith
    • And so much more!
  • Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures – The Lord Our Righteousness, book and audio by Jonathan Bernis (8688)
    The Lord is righteous, and as Believers, when God looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Yeshua (Jesus). Meditate on the glorious righteousness of God and the transforming promises He makes to “the righteous” with the fourth edition of Jonathan Bernis’ “Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures” series, “The Lord Our Righteousness.” You’ll be moved to awe over His holiness, encouraged through the strength He offers you, and inspired to stand on His promises given to us in Yeshua Messiah. This beautiful volume includes Old and New Covenant verses written in English, Hebrew, and the transliteration from Hebrew. A CD including Scriptures spoken in Hebrew enables you to learn pronunciation and begin confessing the Hebrew Scriptures yourself. Discover the powerful promises of God and watch your faith grow as you confess His Word in the Lashon HaKodesh, the Holy Tongue of Hebrew
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