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5 Ways to Remember at Yom HaShoah

Holocaust rememberence cards

A 2014 survey revealed that nearly 50% of Holocaust survivors living in Israel fear the Holocaust will be forgotten when all survivors are gone.

We remember. We honor those who suffered so traumatically under the evil of the Holocaust. We remember the survivors whose nightmare followed them through the decades, tainting their freedom. We honor the Holocaust victims with our deepest respect and the survivors still among us with our compassionate prayers.

We remember… to ensure it never happens again.

Here are five ways you can remember and honor the many millions who suffered at the hands of a viral hatred that culminated in the Holocaust.


1. Pray

  • For Holocaust survivors – to come to know Yeshua as their Jewish Messiah, for God to comfort them in the face of their tragic memories, and for those Holocaust survivors currently suffering in poverty

  • That the world never forgets that such evil is possible

  • That complacency or naiveté toward anti-Semitism would cease

  • That such a thing never occurs again

  • For Holocaust deniers to see the truth of history

  • For God’s protection on His chosen people

  • If you’d like to join for two minutes of prayer at the same time as the siren blows in Israel, visit Time and Date’s Extended World Clock to find out when that will be in your time zone.


2. Share and talk about Holocaust Remembrance Day

  • Wear a Holocaust Remembrance Pin or other item highlighting the Holocaust

  • Share articles about the Holocaust on Facebook and social media


3. Browse through personal stories on Holocaust memorial websites such as:


4. Order and read a book about the Holocaust, such as:


5. Watch a DVD based on the Holocaust, such as:


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