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Prepare for Passover

During Passover, you may wish to play the audio of the songs that are part of the Passover Seder. We have included a digital version of each of the songs included in the Messianic Passover Haggadah as well as a brief description of each song to enrich you experience.



Dayenu is the traditional song sung after the Second Cup of the Passover Seder. The full version has many verses recalling abundant gifts from God. In Hebrew, dayenu means “enough.” Each verse recounts a blessing from God, explaining “it would have been enough” if God had done only this for us and implying He has done so much more.

With Yeshua Verse:

Traditional Haggadah Version:

Eliyahu HaNavi – Elijah the Prophet

This Passover song occurs at the time in the Seder when we recognize The Place of Elijah. Scripture prophesied that Elijah would return to prepare the way of the Messiah. Although John the Immerser (John the Baptist) came in the spirit of Elijah and was the forerunner as our Lord taught, some still believe Elijah will come again before Messiah’s return.

Eliyahu HaNavi:

Pitchu Li

We sing Pitchu Li as a final praise to God. Hallel means praise, and in Jewish worship, “The Hallel” refers to the recitation of Psalms 113–118. Here, we sing Psalm 118:19–20.

Slow Version:

Fast Version:

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