We know of your great compassion and love for the Jewish people. And while Canada has been a great ally for Israel since 1949, there is increasing pressure for a change in stance. It is more important than ever for Canadian Christians to support God’s Chosen People! By standing with Israel, we are part of God’s historic and prophetic plan.
There are so many Jewish people who live in remote places around the world and have not heard that their promised Messiah has come. Will you help reach them with the Good News and aid they need?
When you give to Jewish Voice, you have a direct hand in providing both the Gospel AND humanitarian aid to change the lives of JEWISH PEOPLE in need. There are many among these “Lost Tribes of Israel” who live in severe poverty and even suffer persecution from their neighbours. Thousands of Jewish people around the world are waiting for urgent support and care. Change a life today!
Jewish Voice exists to transform lives and see all Israel saved. We carry out this mission through a many-faceted ministry that includes humanitarian medical outreaches, congregation planting, leadership training and more. Take a moment to learn more about the Jewish Voice Ministries International in this video.