Third Night of Chanukah
With the defiled Temple finally back in Jewish possession, the priests were eager to remove the idols, cleanse the Holy dwelling place of God and rededicate it to Him. But the certified pure oil they could find wasn’t enough for the menorah to stay lit until they could acquire or make more. Indeed, they only had enough to last one day. The priests lit the menorah in faith, and the Lord did a great miracle. The meager oil supply lasted eight days until more was ready to refill the lamps.
Our God is a miracle-working God. We see it throughout Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments. In fact, one of the Hebrew Scriptures prophesying about the Messiah revealed that He would do miracles of healing, restoring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and speech to the mute (Isaiah 35:5–6). We may not see as many miracles today as the Scriptures tell about, but God still intersects our natural world with His supernatural power. Whether it’s physical healing or the arrival of a mystery check for the exact amount we need coming just in time to pay a bill, God still works His wonders.
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Our lives as Believers are miracles in themselves. Yeshua (Jesus) took our sin upon Himself and died in our place so that we could be spiritually reborn to a miraculous new life covered with the Messiah’s righteousness. Through Him, we have fellowship with the Father and eternal life. The Holy Spirit living inside us works His wonders by transforming our hearts and minds to be more like Yeshua.
Yes, our God is a miracle-working God whose wonders take many forms. Let this Chanukah be the season that turns your heart expectantly to Him for His miracles in your life. Let’s look for the miracles He wants to give us and believe Him for miracles, great and small, trusting that His will is perfect. And if He chooses not to do a practical miracle we seek, we can be assured that He wants to do miracles in our hearts, transforming us, growing our trust in Him, and shining through us to reveal Himself to the people around us – so that He can do miracles in their hearts as well.
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14
Shine a Light
Give a Gift of Gelt

The story of Chanukah is a story of a miracle...God’s miracle in providing light for eight days with oil that was only enough to last a single day.
Each day of Chanukah this year, you can give a gelt offering that shines the love of Jesus to Jewish people around the world. Your gifts throughout Chanukah — clean drinking water, medical care, the Good News and more — will demonstrate your commitment to reaching our Jewish brothers and sisters with the Gospel. Would you consider giving the following gift today?
Give $30 to provide medical care and share the Gospel at a 2024 Outreach
For a gift of $30, you can help support the work of Jewish Voice to minister to the sick, injured and disabled through a Medical Outreach in 2024. Many who come to a Medical Outreach have never seen a doctor or heard the name of Yeshua (Jesus).
Light the Candles with Your Family
Place three candles in the chanukiah tonight, setting them in the holders at the far right and placing them from right to left. As you light the Shamash, or Servant Candle, recite the Messianic Jewish Chanukah blessings:
Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and has given us Yeshua the Messiah, the Light of the World.
Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, who has performed miracles for our ancestors in those days at this time.
Using the Shamash, light the Chanukah candles in the opposite direction from which you placed them in the holders, according to the Jewish custom of honoring the newest first. Light them from left to right. Return the Shamash to its place. Let the candles go out on their own. They should burn for at least half an hour.