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Prayer Points: How do you pray for Israel at this time?

December 20, 2023

Ministering to a grief-stricken Israel

Recently, I sat down with Esther, who is our Grants Administrator here at Jewish Voice Ministries. She is in ongoing communication with the ministries you help us support in Israel. As soon as war broke out in early October, she began inquiring how we could pray for them personally and their work in the Land.

I asked her what themes or specific areas for prayer she heard repeated in these communications. She shared them with me, and now I am sharing them with you for your ongoing prayers. It is so good to know that we are bringing these things to the Lord together, to the One Who watches over Israel continually. Here’s what Esther shares with us to inform and ignite our prayers.


Many ministries are providing encouragement and physical supplies to the soldiers risking their lives to ensure future generations in Israel live free of terror and hatred. These provisions range from daily necessities like toothbrushes. Some ministries will be providing longer-term trauma care for those who serve. In addition, some of the ministry and congregational leaders and members have been called into active military service. This, of course, impacts them and their families personally and their ministry responsibilities.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Abundant provisions of all kinds (and their timely delivery) for those serving in the military
  • Shalom for leaders and congregants who are fighting, that God would protect them and give them victory over the enemy (Psalm 91)
  • Strength and grace for soldiers and their families at home (Isaiah 40:31)
  • Boldness for Jewish soldiers who are Believers, that they would be a light and comfort to their comrades and have open doors to share miracles and testimonies with non-believing soldiers
    (1 Timothy 2:1-4)


It is estimated that over 200 thousand people have been displaced in Israel for some length of time since October 7th. This has precipitated a need for housing, food and basic provisions, as well as clean-up efforts and rebuilding in affected areas. “We are blessed,” one of our ministry partners said, “to prepare a meal with love to many who need daily bread. And we’re honored to show God’s love to those who need it.” Again, the need for trauma care and counseling is prevalent, from people affected by the news of the war to those physically and very personally impacted by it. Some of the ministries you help support through Jewish Voice are also providing help through financial recovery programs, training for small businesses and other areas.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Wisdom and divine strategies for ministries to know how to collaborate with others and understand the evolving needs during this season of both hardships and divine opportunities
  • The Lord to provide effective trauma and counseling care by qualified professionals and through the healing ministry of His Holy Spirit
  • Financial recovery programs and help for specific areas like small businesses and the tourism industry
  • Ongoing clean-up and rebuilding efforts and safety for those conducting them


We are continually lifting up the body of Believers in Israel, in particular the Messianic Jewish Believers who are under tremendous pressure from all sides. From the soldiers battling terrorists to the moms getting their kids to school safely, from the leaders of the largest ministries and congregations in the Land to the volunteers and participants in the smallest ministries, please pray for the Believers in Israel.

Ways You Can Pray

  • Solid grounding in Believers’ relationships with the Lord, looking to and abiding in Him daily
  • A growing unity among Believers in the Land including between Messianic Jews and Arab Christians.
  • An ongoing supply of strength in doing good and in prayer, and that they would not grow weary
  • That they would declare and be comforted by God’s character and His promises in His Word

Let's pray!

Lord, we know the needs are so great in Israel right now! But You are greater still. Thank You for these focal points of prayer for the soldiers, for humanitarian aid, and for the encouragement of the body. Lord, as we pray for those in need of care and ministry, help us remember to pray for those doing the ministry. We believe You are working and moving in ways we can’t even imagine, and we continue to ask You for miracles of salvation, healing, deliverance and protection. In Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name, AMEN.

Prayer Points: 8 Chanukah themes to ignite your prayers

December 06, 2023

Chanukah starts tomorrow!

During this season of the eight-day Festival of Lights, we can reflect on Chanukah’s origins and how it’s celebrated in our day. For the purpose of prayer, however, let’s reflect on some of Chanukah’s themes as a way to ignite our prayers.

Here are some themes that will feel very familiar to you, considering our world today, and some related prayer points. Please pray for the following:

LIGHT TO OVERCOME DARKNESS: Pray for God’s truth and light, especially in the Person of Yeshua, to overcome the rampant deception and darkness currently being unleashed and exposed.

  • Those trapped in the deepest and darkest of false ideologies and demonic deception to be overcome by Yeshua’s (Jesus’) Gospel light and freed into truth and new life
  • The media, society, the Nations, and even churches, to be freed from whatever ways they’ve been swept up into false narratives and outright lies regarding God, Israel and the Jewish people
  • Believers in Israel and around the world to be salt and light to their family members, friends, and others they encounter
  • Divine encounters with Jewish people in this time when they are so troubled by what’s happening around them. May the truth of the Messiah and the light of His love be apparent through Believers, lighting the way to salvation for thousands upon thousands

ANTI-SEMITISM — Yes, that is one of Chanukah’s biggest themes!

  • The world to see anti-Semitism for what it truly is and stand against it
  • The Body Body of Messiah to understand that anti-Semitism is not just an ideology or form of prejudice, but it is an expression of the anti-Messiah (anti-Christ) spirit operating against God’s Chosen People
  • PROTECTION of Jewish people everywhere, including during Chanukah when there are celebrations and observances both at home and in public
  • PROVISION — Just like the oil that lasted eight days, pray for the Lord’s provision of all necessary resources for those fighting against terrorism and evil in whatever forms it takes
  • MIRACLES on the front lines, in the trenches, for those serving and ministering. May we see miracles in Israel and even on a global scale beyond what we could imagine

OIL represents the Holy Spirit, and in the miracle of Chanukah, it didn’t run out. Pray for Believers to be:

  • In the Word, in prayer, and continually seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Like the five wise virgins, fully prepared for what’s ahead and not found sleeping

WAGING WAR WELL — The Maccabees were a small group waging war against a huge anti-God force. In our time, it can feel as if the world has gone mad and turned against God en masse:

  • May we not rely on our own power or might but rely on the Holy Spirit
  • May we remember we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness
  • May we “suit up” daily in the armor of God and allow Psalm 91, Psalm 27, and other equipping Scriptures to go down deep into our spirits, building our faith and making us strong in the Lord and the power of His might

DEDICATION — At the time of the Maccabees, the Temple had been horribly defiled, and they were committed to its cleansing and rededication. As the Lord’s temple ourselves, pray for Believers to:

  • Continually examine and guard our hearts, as well as our thoughts and actions, purposing again and always to follow the Lord
  • Count the cost — of being a whole-hearted follower of Yeshua, of speaking out on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, of supporting Believers in the Land and getting the Good News out to as many Jewish people as possible — and rededicate ourselves to Him

Let's pray!

Lord, even during this wonderful Festival of Lights of Chanukah, we know we live in such dark days. May we continually remember that the darkness will NOT overcome the light. May we be faithful to pray the Light of the World, Jesus, into every dark corner of the globe. And Lord, would You shine the Light of the Gospel into the hearts of people everywhere, including and especially Your Jewish people. May those throughout the world who are walking in darkness truly see and receive the great Light of the world, Yeshua, this Chanukah season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Chanukah and Enough

December 04, 2023

When is “not-enough” enough? When the Lord steps in and makes up the difference.

A small group of faithful Jewish priests were not enough in number or strength to match Antiochus IV’s armies. Yet they’d taken more than enough of the blasphemy against the God of Israel – the one true God – and they had to fight back.

In the second century B.C.E., Antiochus IV’s efforts to assimilate Jewish culture into Greek culture during his reign over Judea developed into full-scale persecution. He forced idol worship – with violent, often fatal, consequences for those who refused. He forbade Jewish worship, took over the Temple, installed statues of the Greek God Zeus, and sacrificed a pig on the altar. The holy Temple was utterly desecrated.

The Maccabees refused to worship other gods and soon revolted. Though vastly outnumbered, God was on their side, and the small band of revolutionaries won a miraculous victory. They took back the Temple and won back the freedom to worship the one true God.

Rededicating the Temple and resuming biblical worship meant keeping the Temple menorah lit every day. When cleansing the Temple, however, they could only find one day’s worth of oil that had not been defiled. It wasn’t enough to keep the menorah lit during the eight days it would take to acquire and consecrate more. In faith, they offered their “not-enough” and lit the menorah to rededicate the Temple. And then, God stepped in with another Chanukah miracle. Their insufficient amount of oil burned for eight days.

The apostle Paul writes that God intentionally chooses to use the insufficient, the weak and “not-enough” so that the victory and success are clearly by His power, not ours. This eliminates the opportunity to boast about our own abilities. Doing things beyond our strength testifies to the world of God’s power in us. (See 1 Corinthians 1:26–31.) God wants to take our “not-enough” and turn it into more than enough as He works in our lives to mature us in His love and use us to glorify Him and draw others to Him.

Here's another question: When is enough enough? You’ve heard the expression before. Someone has had all they can take of an unacceptable situation, and they shout, “Enough’s enough! I’m not going to stand for this any longer.” As we see with the Maccabees, there’s a time to stand up and declare “No more!” to unholiness in our lives. Chanukah offers us the opportunity to survey our lives and identify any idols that may have crept in. Perhaps it is time to say “Enough!” to a way of thinking, a habit or an ungodly influence. Though our strength is small, Yeshua (Jesus) has already won the victory over sin for us, and we can lean on His power to help us rededicate our lives to walking in His Spirit day by day.

Chanukah is known as the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication. Thus, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the Light of the World and rededicate our lives to Him – Jesus the Messiah – who gives us abundant and eternal life. Chanukah traditions include lighting the chanukiah – a nine-branched candelabra – each night; eating fried foods to remind us of the miracle of the oil; playing the dreidel game with its symbolism testifying to the great miracle; giving gifts of increasing value each night as the light grows brighter with each additional candle; and celebrating festive meals with family and friends.

As you celebrate this year, consider “Chanukah and enough.”

What "not-enoughs" can you offer to God in faith and let Him expand and use them?

What “enough’s enough” things is the Lord inviting you to submit to Him, asking Him to remove them from your life so that His Spirit can flow more freely through you?

Have a happy and blessed Chanukah celebrating the God of miracles and the Light of the World!

Prayer Points: See how we took children's ministry up a notch in Ethiopia

November 22, 2023

Taking children’s ministry up a notch in Ethiopia

Our Zehra Kids Program was created to engage children in play, songs and activities during our Outreaches. Best of all, Zehra is designed to engage kids in learning about and encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and hearing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).

Our recent Outreach to Hosanna, Ethiopia, was a genuine benchmark in our capacity to effectively love and reach out to kids. We literally “took it up a notch” because, for the first time, in addition to focusing on children through our Zehra curriculum based on the Shema, we also ministered to an older age group — teens! This truly was a ground-breaking event for us in Ethiopia, and we are so in awe of how the Lord worked through this pioneering launch.

As with the younger kids, the teens got to participate in games and activities geared toward their age group. And they had fun! But they also experienced a brand-new curriculum we designed specifically for teens based on the book of Nehemiah. Many of the teens said they could relate to Nehemiah and the things he faced. They dove deep into the materials and had some significant moments of understanding and receiving the truths of their identity in Jesus. Zehra team members prayed over each one. It was an amazing answer to our fervent prayers for this age group and broke new ground in how we will minister to teens in the future.

During our Hosanna Outreach, in addition to providing fun and activities, we ministered to 855 children through the Shema curriculum and 415 teens through the new Nehemiah curriculum. That’s a total of 1,270 ministry opportunities during the course of the Outreach. Thank You, Lord!

Let’s praise the Lord and continue to pray:

  • That every seed planted takes root in each child and teen and produces much fruit in them through the Lord’s nurturing
  • May the words spoken and prayers prayed over each one continue to resonate deeply within them. May they believe and walk out their identity in the Messiah
  • For the Jewish Voice team to lead the Zehra ministry, including the teen component, to continue to lead with vision, wisdom, discernment, and the Lord’s timing
  • That the indigenous national team that helps run the program during the Outreaches will experience continued growth in unity, maturity, love for the Lord and love for kids. May they themselves walk out of their identity and calling
  • For the Lord to continue to mark and grow these Ethiopian children and young people to trust Him and live a life devoted to Him

Let's pray!

Lord, we can’t find words to express how significant this feels. It means so much to reach out to the next generations and see them touched by You. Please continue to pour out Your grace and favor on the Zehra program. May it impact families and whole communities as well. May the seeds planted through Zehra (which means seed in Hebrew) bear fruit that goes beyond our wildest dreams, blessing many and bringing glory to You! In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

Prayer Points: Are you at a loss for words?

November 08, 2023

Israel is at war.

The world became a different place after 9/11 and again after COVID-19. Now — Israel is at war, and the world is in tumult. And there is no going back to how we were before.

What remains the same, WHO remains the same, is the Lord. So, we set our hearts and focus on Him, and to Him, we direct our prayers.

Over the past month, there has been a multitude of things to pray for, and it remains true. Even so, we have all likely felt at a loss for words at times.

At Jewish Voice Ministries, we have a stockpile of spiritual weapons of the Word and prayer for times like these — prayer resources we have developed that resonate with the faithfulness and power of God. Verses and prayers to lift to the Lord on behalf of Israel, the Jewish people and all that is going on in the world.

Please take advantage of these resources as you pray. Even when I am in intercession for a need so deep that I don’t know if I can bear it, my spirit is lifted, and my prayers are strengthened when I pray by His Spirit and by His truth — praying not just the need, but the glorious promises of our good and powerful God. May this be true for you as well.

Your prayers matter. You matter — to us and to the Lord. Allow these Scripture prayer resources to bring faith and fire to your spirit as you pray, knowing that the God who loves you, also loves His people and their neighbors and hears your cries.

Let's pray!

Lord, regardless of how we feel at any moment, we are in this together, with one another, and most importantly, with You. Thank You for the constant supply of hope, encouragement, comfort and strength of Your indwelling Spirit in times like these. Thank You for giving us great and powerful promises to stand on as we intercede and declare Your Word in prayer over Israel, the Jewish people, and the world. Even when we don’t know what to do or how to pray, our hope is in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Help Israel Today

We’ve set up a special fund to help Israelis in the ongoing aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel. 100% of your gift will go directly to serving hurting Israelis.

No One Felt Safe

November 06, 2023

It’s hard to imagine the fear and anguish of Israelis in the communities bordering Gaza when 2,000-some terrorists invaded Israel on October 7. The people in these communities took the brunt of the attack and suffered beyond comprehension, but as news spread about the invasion, Israelis throughout the country feared for their lives. Information came in bit by bit, and in a country about the size of New Jersey, no one felt safe. One of our ministry partners told us about their experience escaping harm that morning.

A harrowing Shabbat (Sabbath) day

Shabbat is a day of rest, and for 40 men, women and children from one fellowship around Jerusalem, October 7 was supposed to be part of a fun beachside weekend at a sports camp in a Caesarea kibbutz, a communal settlement or small village.

Living in Israel, he explained, they are accustomed to rockets coming from Gaza, so they weren’t all that troubled when they first heard the news during breakfast. “Residents of the south know how to deal with this; unfortunately, it is a weekly routine,” he said. But when he heard the extraordinary number of rockets that Hamas was launching, he grew worried, and the group “started moving.” After only a few minutes, they learned Hamas had also invaded by ground, and active terrorists were inside Israel. That’s when the inner panic set in.

They had no idea how many terrorists had infiltrated Israel, who their targets were or where they were headed. On top of that, as is often the case in emergencies, they were hearing conflicting news about the events.


As the group assessed their situation, they realized that though four of their men typically carry weapons with them, each one had left his firearm at home for what was supposed to be a relaxing weekend away. The group was defenseless.

“By motorcycle,” they calculated, “the terrorists could reach us in less than an hour if the army and police could not stop their advance.” The group needed to act immediately if they were going to have a chance of getting everyone home. With little to go on, a ministry leader “defined a simple and quick plan to get all 40 people safely to their homes and families, where they have bomb shelters and could be better protected.”

“By the grace of God,” he said, “one of our students, who works for the Red Cross, received news that the road would be [clear] in the next hour for us to return towards Jerusalem” as Israel began a counter-offensive, “giving us time to get home.”

Before they left, they heard another frightening piece of information: Hamas terrorists had stolen police and military vehicles and were wearing Israeli military uniforms. Would the caravan of innocent civilians encounter terrorists along their route home? Terrorists pretending to be Israeli authorities, asking them to pull over? How would they know? Were they driving into an ambush?

A complex situation

“I asked the cars to follow me, and we had two complex situations on the way back: possible bombing coming from Gaza, which we followed on the radio to find out if it was heading our way or not, and the second situation would be a confrontation with terrorists on the way.”

The group faced many uncertainties, but they knew two things: they wanted to get home, and they “couldn't stop along the way,” our partner said.

We can only imagine the overwhelming fear and intensity of their drive back to Jerusalem that awful morning. But, “by the grace of God,” he said, “we managed to get home, and everyone was safe.”

A grief-stricken country

Israel is a small country. At the time of this writing, over 1,400 people have been brutally murdered. More than 5,400 have been injured, 224 are being held captive in Gaza, and some 200,000 are displaced from their homes. There can hardly be a person in Israel not connected to someone directly represented by these statistics. As we see with these ministry partners, many had nerve-wracking journeys to safety on that horrible day. And the whole country is grief-stricken.

You can help

Jewish Voice is partnered with more than 85 ministries right in Israel. Their daily work to serve the people of their communities is needed now more than ever. While they grieve and try to stay safe themselves, they are ministering to the hurting people in their own neighborhoods. They are aid organizations, education-based ministries and Messianic congregations.

We’ve set up a special fund to help Israelis in the ongoing aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel. 100% of your gift will go directly to serving hurting Israelis.

Help Israel Today

We’ve set up a special fund to help Israelis in the ongoing aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel. 100% of your gift will go directly to serving hurting Israelis.

Extraordinary and intensified needs

These ministries serve the people of their communities with food, clothing, housing and other essentials. Some help people break the bonds of addiction. Some help women keep their babies rather than abort them. Some minister to new immigrants, assist with employment or legal issues, disciple the next generation of young Messianic leaders, care for the forgotten elderly, bring comfort and aid to Holocaust survivors, and minister to soldiers in the IDF – needs that are intensified during this time of tragedy. And they are stepping up to meet the extraordinary needs of this crisis in small and large-scale ways.

All of our Israeli ministry partners do their work for the sake of showing the love of Yeshua (Jesus) and building relationships that can lead to sharing the Good News of the Messiah – a gift that changes lives not just now but for eternity.

Through your gift to this special fund, you will not only bring comfort, strength and healing to Israelis, but you’ll share the eternal hope of the Gospel with them at a time when they need it most.

Help Israel Today

We’ve set up a special fund to help Israelis in the ongoing aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel. 100% of your gift will go directly to serving hurting Israelis.

Prayer Points: We're Going to a New Location in Zimbabwe

October 25, 2023

We are headed to a new-to-us community in Zimbabwe for a full-scale Medical Outreach to the Lemba Jewish people and their neighbors. Our Global Outreach Director, Eric Pires, senses that this region is a blank canvas on which we will see the Lord do wonderful things. We are asking you to help us break new ground through your prayers.

Ways to Pray

We invite you to use the daily prayer guide below as you pray. And please commit to a specific time slot to pray from home during the Outreach. SIGN UP on our Prayer Schedule, referring to the dates below.

Here are the ways you can pray for this new Zimbabwe Outreach, November 2–12.

Before the Outreach

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

— Isaiah 40:3 (NKJV)

Now through Wednesday, November 1 | Isaiah 40:3

  • That all preparations are fully in place, such as VISAS, medical supplies, campsite, Clinic readiness, team unity and community relationships
  • For the word to get out in the community regarding the Medical Clinic so that right from the start on Sunday, November 5, we will serve as many as possible each day
  • The Lord to prepare the way through favor with local officials and community leaders
  • Spiritual forces of darkness to flee, making way for the King of Glory to come with salvation, healing and deliverance as the spiritual atmosphere and the hearts of the people are prepared

Thursday-Friday, November 2–3

  • Protection, health, safety and favor as our team and partners prepare and travel
  • For all their family members back home and all that pertains to them as they serve
  • Smooth travel and all luggage to arrive on time in good condition
  • Safe travels, especially during the six to seven-hour drive to the Clinic location
  • Fellowship and unity to begin and deepen during these first few days, including the Erev Shabbat dinner on Friday night

Saturday, November 4

  • All medical resources to be fully set up and ready for patients in the government clinic we will be using
  • Training and orientations for the medical and dental personnel, as well as Outreach and prayer partners, to be clear and effective
  • The Lord to oversee the weather throughout the week – it is the start of the rainy season and will likely be hot during the day and cool at night

During the Outreach

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

— Luke 4:18


  • There is already a small Messianic Jewish congregational plant in the area. Pray for growth as a result of this Outreach
  • We will be digging a well in the community – may it be a hub not only of physical water but also for the Good News of the Living Water, Yeshua (Jesus)

Sunday, November 5

  • For all to be in place and for a smooth “opening day” as we begin to serve the community Sunday, with many being quick to come and receive care so our lines are full all week
  • Local workers, chosen by the Lord, to not only be a blessing as they serve but to be blessed and saved
  • Many from the community to come for care and receive salvation as well
  • The Word to go forth swiftly, accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders

Monday, November 6

  • The Lord to give our team wisdom, favor, discernment, and protection regarding any local or unique factors pertaining to this location, conditions, or time frame, including some darker elements in the local spiritual climate
  • Great unity, love and fellowship among all team members and partners that testifies of Yeshua to all in the community
  • For the Messianic Jewish Believers who will be speaking with and praying for people in the Spiritual Care Tent
  • That the Zehra Kids Program will leave a lasting and eternal impact on the children and families of the community through truth, joy, salvation and love

Tuesday, November 7

  • For the wonderful and weighty presence of the Lord to anoint and refresh our whole team during daily morning prayer times
  • Divine encounters in the community leading to openness to the Good News and many salvations
  • The mighty protection of the Lord to cover the entire Outreach and all involved from any spiritual or natural interference
  • Spiritual strength and stamina for our team and partners, renewed by intimacy with the Lord, the daily prayer times and worship service

Wednesday, November 8

  • Glorious worship times with the Lemba choir, bringing renewal to the team, delighting the Lord, and sending the powers of darkness to flight
  • The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and the ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • Effective medical and dental care and healing to take place, including supernaturally as a testimony of God’s power and love

Thursday, November 9

  • The ability to treat as many patients as possible on the last day of the Outreach
  • Order and shalom to reign as local workers are paid and the patient lines are closed
  • Safety and efficiency in closing the Clinic and packing up equipment and supplies

Friday, November 10

  • A relaxing day celebrating all the Lord has done and ending the week in fellowship with one another
  • Each one to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
  • A blessed Erev Shabbat dinner with testimonies of the Lord’s goodness

After the Outreach

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.

— Philippians 1:4–6

Saturday–November 11–12 and beyond

  • Safe travels home
  • A special outpouring of grace for everyone who served by honoring the Lord and loving the community through this Outreach 
  • The Lord to continue breaking ground for the Good News of Yeshua in the region, bringing a great movement of His Holy Spirit among these dear people
  • Effective and timely follow-up to all who want to hear more about Jesus
  • The Lord to continue establishing His Kingdom in Zimbabwe and developing healthy congregations

Let’s Pray

Lord, it is exciting to know we are taking Your love, in the form of both spiritual and physical care, to this new location in Zimbabwe. May the community be open and eager to receive Yeshua. We pray for the congregational plant's growth and that much lasting fruit will come because of You working through our time there. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Outreach Recap: Your Impact is Transforming lives in Kechene, Ethiopia

October 17, 2023

Kechene, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach

  • 15,825 Patients Received Care
  • 1,509 People Received Dental Care
  • 3,758 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 84 Received Eye Surgery, reversing or preventing blindness
  • 169 Received Minor Surgery
  • 2 Babies Delivered
  • 7,817 People Heard the Gospel message
  • 97 People Received Yeshua
  • 29 People Requested Congregational Follow-up

Our hearts remain heavy for Israel concerning the overwhelming tragedies from the Hamas attacks that began on October 7. We know your hearts also ache, and your prayers for the people and State of Israel continue, as do ours.

With Israel in the forefront of our hearts, we also want to bring you good news of the Lord’s continuing work around the world, making Yeshua (Jesus) known as the Messiah and Savior of the world – work that you help make possible. In June, we conducted a Medical Outreach in a Jewish community situated in the heart of Ethiopia’s capital. Here’s what you helped make happen there.

Kechene, Ethiopia, was among the first places we held a Medical Outreach many years ago. Like many Jewish communities are forced to do in Ethiopia, it was originally settled well outside city limits. However, over the decades, the capital city of Addis Ababa grew so large that now it entirely surrounds the distinctly Jewish community of Kechene.

Regulations prevented us from having an onsite Spiritual Care Ministry at the local clinic where we held our Kechene Clinic. Instead, 97 local pastors and leaders conducted street evangelism during the Outreach. Three things about this effort stand out as enormous blessings.

  • The Beta Abraham Messianic Congregation (BAMC) initiated, organized and implemented this huge outreach to their community. It’s so encouraging to see the growth, maturity and independence of this congregation that you help support and provide leadership training for. Twelve people from this small congregation participated
  • The enthusiastic response of the evangelical community indicates a growing unity between them and Messianic Believers in the area. Eighty-five people joined the BAMC team to walk the streets of Kechene in pairs, sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus)
  • In total, the group shared the Gospel with 7,817 people in Kechene, planting the seeds of eternal life in each one. Ninety-seven of them have already shared that they accepted Jesus as their Messiah

In addition to the eternal lives you helped change through your support of this Outreach, you also provided desperately needed medical, dental and eye care to thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors living in this struggling community. You also enabled us to improve the local clinic property to provide greater levels of patient care. In just 10 days, our Ethiopian Logistics Manager, Habte, led a team that demolished a small unusable building, excavated a new site by hand and constructed a new building that will be used for storage and office space. This new building frees up several rooms inside the clinic as additional treatment rooms.

Without your gracious gifts, none of this would have been possible. You’ve made a difference in so many ways. 

Pray with us that the Gospel seeds planted will produce the fruit of salvation in every life who heard the Good News. And thank you again for making all of this possible.

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